- Age:
- 26 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Pays de la Loire
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

- Age:
- 31 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Liège,
- Country:
- Belgium
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends

-->lucile http://luluonzeweb.blogspot.com/
- Age:
- 21 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Los angeles (in 2weeks), California
- Country:
- United States
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight

- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Pays de Candy, Bourgogne
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight

- Age:
- 24 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Melbourne - Australia - / Paris,
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Gay / Lesbian

- Age:
- 21 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Manchester, Northwest
- Country:
- United Kingdom
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Friends

Xavier Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse.
- Age:
- 30 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Paris,
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Athletic
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

* Delphine * en mille éclats de rêve ...
- Age:
- 36 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Paris, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends, Networking

Barbara I love you like a chocolate cake
- Age:
- 19 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Tórshavn,
- Country:
- Faroe Islands
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Some extra baggage

Lea l'avis des cons ne compte pas
- Age:
- 17 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Chartres, Centre
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Not Sure
- Here For:
- Friends

Guillaume. B. Goo
- Age:
- 32 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

Idée mal placée Femme qui pète n'est pas morte
- Age:
- 27 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Rennes, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Here For:
- Friends

- Age:
- 32 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- paris, ILE-DE-FRANCE
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- Other
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Bisexual
- Body:
- Some extra baggage
- Here For:
- Networking

Aurore* Petite étoile qui rêve de devenir grande...
- Age:
- 18 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Lyon, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- More to love!
- Here For:
- Friends

Manu Terre de contraste
- Age:
- 31 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Paris, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

Jessica Il y a ce diable amour du travail ; ce nouveau genre de travail m’a si bien chauffe la tete malgre
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- PARIS, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends

- Age:
- 29 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Bordeaux,
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Here For:
- Friends

MAXIME Sans titre
- Age:
- 18 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Thiennes/Hazebrouck, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight

pierre derensy
- Age:
- 33 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- marseille, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends, Networking

Maud * Maud * Salut Salut !
- Age:
- 19 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Loki-city, Bretagne
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Married
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends

Alice Je dis ça, je dis rien...
- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Montauban / Toulouse, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends, Networking

delphine Soyez réalistes: demandez l'IMPOSSIBLEallez voir mon spacemusic!myspace.com/luisabalti
- Age:
- 32 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- cluses, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

ernest boire du yop en mangeant des cacahuètes
- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship

- Age:
- 28 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Montauban, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight

Gudulle Le cul entre deux chaises...
- Age:
- 17 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Alsaceeee
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single

Laura 5 ANS sans respirer...
- Age:
- 19 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

Giniboop Welcome, bienvenido, bienvenue...
- Age:
- 26 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Nantes, Rennes, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends

Sixties Lili
- Age:
- 28 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Paris, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Dating, Networking

Célineuh [RE : ] C'est pas du sang qui coule dans mes veines, c'est de la peinture !
- Age:
- 17 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Ailleurs, Rhône-Alpes
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends, Networking

Gigi le jeu en vaut la chandelle...
- Age:
- 32 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Paris, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Athletic

- Age:
- 22 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

p a u l a
- Age:
- 33 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- BiobÃo
- Country:
- Chile
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Here For:
- Friends

- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Orleans Land, Centre
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- Other
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Body builder

- Age:
- 23 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Boulogne Billancourt, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

Kate Ma vie... Ã pile ou face!!
- Age:
- 30 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship

Charlotte Charlotte
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking

- Age:
- 19 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Nogent sur Marne, Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single

- Age:
- 18 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Ile-de-France
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Bisexual
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends, Networking

Ptite mémé Aujourd'hui, j'ai permis au soleil de se lever plus tôt que moi
- Age:
- 25 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Choletaise expatriée en pays lyonnais, Pays de la Loire
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- In a Relationship

Kataklysm KataklysM
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Istres, PACA
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight

Passepartout Vivre sans amis, c'est mourir sans témoin
- Age:
- 36 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Champagne-Ardenne
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight

victor aime la musique française,surtout quand ça groove comme 1 duo Da Silva/Delerm!
- Age:
- 31 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

Julie .. another ..
- Age:
- 20 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Wavre, Brabant wallon
- Country:
- Belgium
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Friends

- melimelotte -
- Age:
- 18 years old
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Nantes, à peu de choses près, Pays de la Loire
- Country:
- France
- Status:
- Single

- Age:
- 27 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Quebec
- Country:
- Canada
- Status:
- In a Relationship
- Orientation:
- Straight

Romain [ Ukulele Pouet Pouet*] Sarkozy n'est pas mon président!!!
- Age:
- 22 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Swinger
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Dating, Friends, Networking

FLKz Life is short, don't waste it, enjoying!!!
- Age:
- 24 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- lyon, DOM
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single

Joannic To Fill a Mockingbird
- Age:
- 40 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Paris suburban area, ILE-DE-FRANCE
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Divorced
- Orientation:
- Bisexual
- Body:
- Average
- Here For:
- Serious Relationships, Friends

Pierre Alexandre Welcome to my page... Sending you ALL my Love !
- Age:
- 17 years old
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Haute-Normandie
- Country:
- France
- Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- Status:
- Single
- Orientation:
- Straight
- Body:
- Slim / Slender
- Here For:
- Friends, Networking