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slow jamz, reggae, urban, hip hop, rap, old skoolz..... quiet storm, bob marley,ziggy marley,lupe fiasco, kanye west,r.kelly, john legend, faith evans, micheal jackson, jamie foxx, savage, akon, nesian mystik, tupac, bone tugz, ray charlez, lauryn hill,fugees, ub40, concrete jungle, n nething wit a kik ass sound...
ne movies wit action or comedy...
bro town, lost, cosby show, family guy, CSI, gilmore girls, sienfeld, will & greace, prison break,peanuts, house n heroes...
the diary of ann frank..(the most recent book n probably only ive fully read that has nothing to do with school)
mai whanau....mai close freinds....M.L.K, malcom x....mai koro....n mai tribenga puhi