I am 50% fiLipino..30% indiAn..10%spanish..10% cHinesE.
------>MissiNg Cebu sOOOooo much!
I LOve writinG.. a thinkEr by daY and a dreamEr by nighT.. People say I am FriendLy...And an OpeN mindeD persoN
ALways on tHe rUN!
I Love singinG...danCin...PartiEeees ---> VODKA!
>>>>>AddictEd to coffEE nd CheeSecaKe(blUEberrY)
i sOoooo Love my frienDS'.... missin them aLL'
***MoviE buff....
****TVholiC --
** Goes 2 maLL a loT and EatS a loT!!!!
*****TravEls a loT...
>>>> BEACH Bum'''' SeriousLLLyyy
Loves the cOlor bluE!
I am...
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