Drumming. Drinking Jones soda. Listening to music. Reading.
People so lame that i feel better about myself.
The Appleseed Cast, broken social scene, elliott, sunny day real estate, zao, Swan Lake, at the drive-in, refused, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Pedro the Lion, Mogwai, Lucero, The Jazz June, Sigur Ros, The Arcade Fire, Miles Davis, Murder By Death, sky's the limit, Mineral, grizzly bear, twothirtyeight, cursive, death cab for cutie, saetia, the blood brothers, The Weakerthans, brazilia, cactus patch, Radiohead, brandtson, robb esperat, seamonster, q and not u, TV on the Radio, Mark Kozelek, knapsack, American Football, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Smashing Pumpkins, ...trail of dead, Explosions in the Sky, Pele, Braid, The Cure, The smiths, Joy Division, Desert City Soundtrack, Iron & Wine
Fight club, american beauty, I Heart Huckabees, Napoleon Dynamite, Shoot the Piano Player, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, Brick Garden State, godfather, wayne's world, empire records, american history x, adaptation, pulp fiction, resorvoir dogs, Breathless, Requiem For a Dream, Angels in America, edward scissor hands, and lots more that i didn't mention.
Space Ghost
The Fountain head - ayn rand, Slaughterhouse five - kurt vonnegut, Survivor - chuck paluhniuk, Seymour: an Introduction - salinger, Letter to a Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Dan Eldon, Jesus, Garibaldi and Mazzini