Member Since: 8/9/2006
Band Website: none
Band Members: :: DANTE:: vocalist:: SONY:: drum & percussion:: MARSHAL:: guitar
:: ADHIST:: bass
:: BASTIAN::guitar
Influences: FFaD, thE PolIce, fOO fiGhTer, AlkALinE TriO, mEw, bLoC pArtY, FuNEraL fOR a fRieND, unDerOatH, TAckiNG bACk SuNDaY, SmAshiNg puMpkIns, L'arCncIel, tHe BeatLes, SaOSiN, DeAd PoEtiC, FFtL, EmERY, A staTiC LulLaBy, bEacH bOYs, RadIoHeAd, OaSis, RaISeD FiSt, CoMbAck KiD, PulP, THe DiLLiNGer EsCaPE PLAn, THe BleD, CohEEd n CamBria, BeasTie BoYs, The StrOkes, tHriCe, tHe PresiDeNT oF USA, unEarTh, UndYinG, tHe StarTinG LIne, , aNd maNY mORe.....
Sounds Like: our own taste for sure.... but we have lots of influences from other bands...... our music pure come from our heart...
Record Label: HARVEST
Type of Label: Indie