movies, video games, literature, poetry, writing, music
I'd like to meet:
Bjork ... I would take her out for ice cream and hand holding.
Pelican, Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, Isis, Neurosis, The Mountain Goats, Modest Mouse, Orbital, Aesop Rock, The Unicorns, Neutral Milk Hotel, Hella, Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss
Grizzly Man: A Documentary From Werner Herzog, Apocalypse Now, The Royal Tenebaums, Willow, Star Wars, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Legend, PI, Being John Malcovich, The Big Lawbowski, Raising Arizona, The Life Aquatic,
The Daily Show, Invader Zim, Colbert Report, Tim and Eric, Saul of the Mole Men
Gravity's Rainbow; Slaughterhouse-5; House of Leaves; Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said; The Man in the High Castle