Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Sandy Weill, Hector Lamarque, Bob Proctor, Dick & Ricky Hoyt, Suze Orman, John Maxwell, Alex Spanos, The founders of You Tube, Mike Sharp (5 million dollar a year earner with Primerica), Art Willams, Tony Robbins, Russel Simmons, Jay-Z, Ghost Hunters Crew, Magic Johnson, Barry Bonds, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Oscar De La Hoya, Manny Pacquiao, George Lopez, Tiger Woods, Coach Pat O Riley, Air Jordan (M.J), Mike Bibby, Jim Rome,Howard Stern, Tom Lykis, Adam Corolla, Dr Drew, JV & Elvis From The Dog House, Mark Supan from Murder ball, Jim Maclaren, Steve Siebold, Steven A. Smith, The Maloof Brothers, Lance Armstrong, Dj Tiesto, Bono from U2, Daivd Gilmour from Pink Floyd, Tom Hanks,Tom Green,Morgan Freeman, Tim Robbins, David Letterman, Master P, Guns & Roses, Metallica, Yoko Uno, Hugh Hefner, Grand Master DXT, 50 cent, Matisyahu, P Diddy, 'DOG' The Bounty Hunter,the guys from Orange County Choppers, and Miami Ink, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Al Pachino aka Scarface, Robert Dinero, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Carlos Santana, Fatboy Slim, Ferry Corsten, John O' Callaghan, Armin Van Buuren, Mike Koglin, ATB, Paul Van Dyk, Deep Voices, Paul Oakenfold, Timberland,Basement jaxx, Herbie Hancock, Kraftwerk,Dr. Motte, The Neptunes, Grand Master Flash, Dougie Fresh, Afrika Bambaataa, Egyptian Lover, Dj Sneak, The Rock Steady Crew, The Cystal Method, Stevie Wonder, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Madonna, Neil Armstrong, (1st man on the moon), The Pope, Nelson Mandela, also George W. Bush so i can pimp slap him, also i'd like to meet anyone with a open mind thats not afraid to smile... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..SKILLS & SPUNDAE PRESENT...>>> ETD POP 2008<<.. . . . . .