I'd like to meet:
bAwT mOi
YeeAh-LL0w ErRy`1!d
name ish
LiiZ jz dat simple been
standin on diz flanet since
4th of january ninteenninty. dat would make me
17 youngiin`.made in Norway. but mah
rootsz r planted in
Philippines. a
full proud filippina yata ako! Wakekekeka
simple girl wif a
simple personality 2 match wif a
big heart n who r determined 2
sacrifice ol i got fo mah
beloved ones.
coz i'm nuffin wifawt mah
boyfwend, family & fwendz. dey
simply completes me.i've givin mah
heart 2 mr.
patrick jan carlos ong d
29th of june twothousandsix. not regre`in it n nevah will.my
addictions r
shoppin` n snappin` kodakz. &&
a day wifawt music, food, sleep n talkin` 2 mah booboo would make me go insane.
easy ge`in along wif. sumtymz i'm
shy && sumtymz i'm
loud. pwetti
random u c.
tend 2 have laughterbreakdowns. lolx. luvs 2 laugh n joke live - laugh –love as dey say ryt?also very
tiklish. tikle me
ones n i'll do d
spagethi dance lyk
boom! lmao. so
dun even fink
bawt it! :>
hatin` em plastic biotchez, backstabbers, players.. yeah u name it... who fink dey’r d shiiit, but ol dey'r really r ish d BULLSHIEET!u can fink or saii
crap, false, bitchy thangz
bawt moi && i'll jz
take it wif a
BIG SMILE coz i couldn't
care less!
i am what i am. hate it or
luv it.U
probably got ur head stuffed wif nuff
411 on me ryt now
duntcha? but
dun fink u know
me jz bcoz of
sum lines.. den u'll
bettah fink twice.i'm kool wif
changes n open 2
bondingz. add me bcoz
u want 2 get 2 know me,
not bcoz 2 b
jz another sumbody on ur
list, owkiii? :]
much luf. p`z awt. mwah! www.friendster.com/mzliiz
[email protected] [email protected]
[ h0Me ]-[ sH0w sUm LurRv ]-[ Be m0i pwEnD ]-[ fLiCKs ]-[ giVEn LuRrV ]
k0mMeNt hiRr y0
m0i DiaMondS
my luv, my lyf, my everything