Kerry profile picture


batteries not included

About Me

I aspire to live in the present and have the courage to take chances. I want to be able to throw away the garbage that has piled up over the years and learn to just be, without unrealistic expectations. I want to love by experiencing and not by telling. I want to use my creative side as an outlet for my thoughts and energy and as a way of sharing my talents and insights with others. I'm not afraid to step out of the familiar. I come alive in new and exciting situations. My personality shines through under the right circumstances. For instance, when I am surrounded by like minded people I am confident that I am charming, witty and intelligent and I get a natural high. I also get a natural high from performing either on stage or in front of the camera. There's nothing like getting lost in a character. When I allow the character to truly take over and show her colors, my adrenaline goes through the roof. It's an out of body experience; the world stands still and for a moment nothing else matters.

My Interests

Dancing, Theatre, Acting, Improv, Stand-up Comedy, Alternative Medicine, Hiking, Traveling, Basketball, Yoga, Pilates, Reading and Writing.

I'd like to meet:

I'm mostly on here to keep in touch with people I already know. But it never hurts to meet new people who have something deep and meaningful to say. I'm not looking for compliments. I am looking for depth and truth. There are so many different ways to view the world. Everyone has their own reality. My reality has changed a lot over the years, and my identity has been stripped from me at times. I'm still trying to find out who I am and would love to hear different views on life and love and all the wonderful things we so often take for granted. In my first year after college I began to see just how much of a rollercoaster life is. As much as I hated the ups and downs, I realized that you can't have the sweet without the sour. It's been hard, but I think I'm finally beginning to accept the fact that not everything is going to be perfect. Because a person who thinks everything has to be perfect in order to be happy, will never be happy. Anyway, I'm rambling. What do you think?


Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill, Jewel, Idia Arie, Robert Miles, Garth Brooks, etc...


I've seen Goonies and Jerry McGuire a gazillion times. Love Quentin Tarantino flicks and anything with Jackie Chan in it. Can't forget Shawshank Redemption, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Mission Impossible etc...


Right now the only shows i DVR are House, Without a Trace, Cold Case


Fave authors: Barbara Kingslover, Jennifer Weiner, David Sedaris, Deepak Chopra, John Grisham, Steven King, William Shakespeare, etc...


My Brother. I love you and I'm so glad you're back from Iraq. I send you all the best with your recovery from ancle surgery you crazy kid ;)

My Blog

Rantings and Ravings

Surviving should not be this hard.  I don't want to have to listen to my landlords' blaring television when I'm trying to meditate.  "You're too picky". "You can have it your way ...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:09:00 PST

Dinner for one

  False hope Hidden desire Just slightly out of reach Tired of the games I want more Passion, connection, trust I've found you The one I've been waiting for I just wish you could see me See me ...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Random Thoughts by Kerry Smith

Making steps in the right direction.  I still feel uncomfortable in my own skin, like I'm going to jump out of it at any moment, but I'm doing things to keep my mind off of it.    Li...
Posted by Kerry on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST


Just  a little something that I wrote in college that I thought I would share: There was a lull in our conversation. I swallowed the last drop of wine and savored the sweetness. My throat was dry...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:55:00 PST

Deep Thoughts (Thanks Enabler)

And, no, I did not write this one: 1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.2. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.3. Going...
Posted by Kerry on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:30:00 PST


What is this crazy number game that is sweeping the nation?  I decided this morning that I would try it out in order to 'enhance my mind' or at least to use the stupid thing.  I started read...
Posted by Kerry on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:35:00 PST

Crack Ho. Ho ho ho

Have you ever met a true life crack ho?  No, I mean really gotten to know a real life crack ho? Well, lemme tell you a story about a real life crack ho& She's been in jail thirty-seven times.&nbs...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 12:28:00 PST

College towns

Okay, so an awesome DJ I know mentioned that I needed to update my blogs, so here goes... I live in a college town now and it's a trip.  There's always students walking around talking about...
Posted by Kerry on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:08:00 PST


Stuck in a life void of passion.  Surrounded by bitterness and pain.  Why do we subject ourselves to this torture?  Cynicism and hatred has overtaken any hope for a world full of peace ...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Topless stage fright

Okay, so lately Ive been having trouble sleeping straight through the night.  I find myself waking up every so often and looking at the clock, and sometimes I find it difficult to fall bac...
Posted by Kerry on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST