Reading books such: history, encyclopedia, Bible @ its commentary. Athletic competition.Adventuring to the unknown world and meeting aliens/strangers and making them friends.
Simple, easy to be with, adventurist,and anykind of people as long as she/he likes me to be friend.
Sometimes when we touch, Everything I do (i do it for you), Straight from my heart, I don't want to talk about it, and songs of Yoyoy, Max Surban, April boy, Renz ver., Brian Adams, Rod st,. and ect.,
Last Samurai and some sexy movies.
ESPN, Discovery channel, and others.
World @ Philippine history,"Religion meets Science", Philosophical/Scientific books, Guenss book of recrd, Tour guide, and any informative materials.
Constantine the Great@Charlemagmen. Mohammad, Buddha, Jesus and other religious/institutional founders.