people.and new friends
It's been great to see how friendly everyone is here. I'm up for getting to know you all. I love people. It would help if we have something in common. See my interests. :-)
RnB, alternative, etc..anything that's "music to my ears.."jacob ham: one tape that i lost a long time ago, Loser friendly, jawbreaker, the broadways, crimpshrine and a lot of other shit
The 10 Commandments, Apocalypse Now, Beauty & The Beast (the cartoon), Titanic, Spartacus, Gladiator, Patton, Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Godfather, city of angel, Face Off, The Passion of the Christ is the Best Movie.
myx etc...
jd salinger, aaron cometbus, jim carrol, path to peace:dhalai lama, alice walker,