My name is Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler,But I'd prefer to be addressed as Scarlett. I live in Atlana,Georgia,Yes,I'm a confederate gal and Southern Belle..Damn You Yankee's and carpet-baggers,and the war is over Don't ask for credit!!I say and do as I please and don't care if it causes scandal or shocks anybody,though I am lady like.I despise taking naps though,I am married to my husband Rhett Butler though he is my 3rd husband and can be such a black hearted Varmit! Rhett and I have a love hate relationship! One day we will be perfectly smitten and then the next we will be at each others throats! And now that im rich again im going to tell everyone thats been mean to me to go to halifax!!! I'm the kind of girl that doesnt need to worry about things now...I needn't worry about anything til later!