God, shopping, friends, John, music, having fun at G-Dubb :)
Most Random Q's EVER
Has any1 come up to you and asked you for your right shoe? No
Would you ever eat ketchup sandwhiches? Yuck, no way
Do you eat cheese? I love cheese
Have you ever stuck a mini chocolate chip up your nose? No... ouch
Would you ever go to jail just to try their food? No... I think our caf food is probably worse anyway
It starts pouring down rain and lightning while your walking home from school, what do you do????? Start running across the quad back to the dorm :)
Do you like the color pink?? Yes... its very pretty
Have you ever slept in the back of a truck? Nope
What's your favorite kind of candy? Peanut Butter M & Ms
Have you ever hit yourself in the head with a remote? Yes, actually I have lol
Do you like flies? No, they are ever so annoying
Do you like peanutbutter? Sometimes
Have you ever seen Lake Titicaca? No, but I remember talking about it in Spanish class in high school
Does blue eye shadow look good on you? No... I wear brown
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, its complicated
Have you seen the movie Big Daddy? Yes... it very funny
Do you like Mcdonalds? Of course... what else would I eat?
Have you ever sucked some1's toes??? No.. I hate feet
Have you been to the largest mall in the world? No but I would love to go
If clowns shoes tasted like toast, would you eat them?? No.. clowns scare me... but I think I may be getting over my fear
Do you like math class? I love math
What are the first and last # in your phone #?? If you love me you already know :)
Have you ever slept on the couch in a strangers house?? No... thats just weird
Have you ever streaked??? No... why would I want to run naked in front of people?
Ok, grab your foot, and smell it, what does it smell like??? I've already said that feet give me the creeps.. but my feet smell like cookies since I showered this morning
What's the worst name any1's called you?? Bitch
Have you ever swished a half court shot?? No
Do you play sports?? No... I used to dance though
Do you have acne???? Yes... :(
Do you think Paris Hiltons dog is cute??/ Yes.. but not as cute as my future doggie
If you could rate your personality on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, 1 being the worst, what would it be?? 7
What color are your finger nails?? Normal color lol
Are you in 4-H??? No
I have a weiner dog, do you?? No... that was a really random ?
Do you have fat ass lips like Angelina Jolie, or small petite ones like Rihanna?? Umm... I think I have normal lips
Granny panties, or a thong? Or.....none?!@?@ Thongs are butt floss, granny panites are just weird... and its nasty not to wear any underwear... but I would rather not disclose info about my undergarments
If you could be any character from Degrassi, who would you be??? I have no clue who/what Degrassi is
If you could run into any famous celebrity at the mall, who would it be??? Chad Michael Murray
Let's say humans could have the power to make everything in the world edible, would you do it??? No.... then everyone would eat the world and it would be no more
Have you ever snuffed anything??? No... but I have sniffed clean laundry from the dryer lol
Do you have a dead moose head on your wall?? No.. thats weird and creepy
Do you think gooder should be a word??? Of course... it should be in any redneck dictonary
What word first pops into your head when your read or hear the word panties??? Do you have an obsession with panties or something??
Would you ever read the dictonary for fun???? No.. thats stupid and beside I have way to much nursing stuff to read as it is
Do you believe in God?? Yes... God is good all the time
Why did you get a Myspace??? To talk to friends back at home
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be??? A scottish terrier puppy
Who is your least favorite teacher?? I don't have one lol... I like all of my teachers at college
Do you like spinach?? No.. I hate veggies
What color are your socks???? They are pink with green and white dots lol
Have you ever been to the mall???? Duh!
Long and skinny, or short and stubby?? Your fingers??? Long and skinny
What did you eat for lunch today?? Well... I haven't had lunch today but more than likely I will eat a ham, turkey, cheese, and lettuce honey wheat sub with chips and water
Have you ever had to wear a hair net??? No
Are your teeth white or yellow??? Pearly white lol
Have you ever sucked on a sucker so long, it turned your mouth a dfrnt color??? Yes... but the ones that turn your mouth different colors are the ones that taste the best
If cheese turned green, but tasted the same, would you eat it??? No... yuck
What kind of car do you want???? I cute little 4 door girly car
Do you like music??? I love music
What's your name?? Andrea
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I'd like to meet:
Nickelback, Coldplay, and Chad Michael Murray
This layout is from whateverlife.com!
Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me"
A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.
Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out
Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking
What turns you off: fighting and conflict
Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?
Myspace Survey
*** About me ***
Explain your political beliefs. whoever seems to be the best person with the best ideas to improve our country
Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) no... gotta go that though
What's your favorite animal? doggies
How do you vent anger? at my friends and family and through music
What is your screen name? monkeybabe524
Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? phone
Why do you admire people? i have no clue lol... not sure that anyone does admire me
Why do you like the music you do? it is a great way to express yourself and to cope with life
What's your favorite album/CD? gosh... probably the one tree hill ablum or a mixed one
What is your eye color? green maybe
What is your hair color? brown
Explain how you've changed in the past year. wow..... i've became alot more independent of my parents and alot more relient on God and my friends
Explain what you think about the country you live in. right now... its looking detrimental
Are you a vegetarian? no... i hate veggies
Are you rude? sometimes lol
*** MySpace and me ***
Have you ever talked to a stalker on myspace? no.. creepy
Have you met anyone in real life after meeting them online? no... creepy
How many people have you invited to MySpace? maybe one (lauren lol)
Is myspace the first thing you do when you wake up? no... probably close the last thing before bed or when i'm bored
When you get on myspace, how long are you usually on? usually not long... unless i'm bored
How many people do you have on your friends list? 67
Would you date someone you met online? no... creepy
Do you post chain bulletins very often? no... but i read them
Have you ever posted a comment for Tom? no..
Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on myspace? no... i would never miss a meal unless by choice b/c i was busy
How often do you check for new comments on myspace? everyday... so leave some
Did you take a picture of yourself specifically for myspace? no... i just like pictures
Why do you use myspace? for friends
How many times a day do you go on myspace? i dunno.... whenever i can
Do you have a blog? yes
*** What I like ***
Magazines or books? magazines
Favorite country? Switzerland
Favorite athlete? don't like sports
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheeseburgers w/ bacon
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Fridays
Mom or Dad? Dad
Drums or guitar? guitar
Rock or rap? rock
Hug or kiss? kiss
Favorite day of the week? ummm..... Thursday b/c it is my Saturday thanks for wonderful nursing clinicals on Saturday
Pink or blue? pink
Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? Walt Whitman
What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)? lol
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
What is your favorite male name? hmm.... i have no clue
*** People ***
If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry? John
Your crush's first name: John
Your first crush: gosh... that was like ages ago... I can't remember than stuff... I only remember the important things that affect me forever
Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? yes
Your best friend: Rachel and Serena
Who do you talk to most on the phone? John
Who is your enemy? not anyone that i know of
Who is the most unique person you know, and why? me lol
If you could punch one person, who would it be? probably myself sometimes for the things i say
Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? gosh..... well my friends that are there for me are my G-dubb peeps and John
Who annoys you? anyone with a really loud high pitched voice... and rude ppl when i am trying to study and don't pipe it
Who is your newest friend? Rachel and Serena
Who did you last talk to? John
You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? John or friends
Who do you talk to most on IM? no one... don't use it Take this myspace survey!
Surveys for myspace
Anything except bluegrass
How to Deal, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, and Date Movie
One Tree Hill
Which One Tree Hill Character are You Most Like?
Congratulations you are most like Haley James! You are an intelligent person. You kick ass mentally and physically! You like to talk a lot, babble, and all that jazz. You are very positive and believes that that "if there's awill... there's a way." You also have a good sense of what is a friendship and rarely encounters unnecessary drama in real life.
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A Pray for Owen Meany and Catch 22
My mom and dad, John, and all my great friends at G-Dubb
What Peanuts Character Are You?
Two words for you: Self Absorbed. But you already knew that. You think you're brilliant, beautiful, and that it's your personal responsibilty to make the world a better place. That last would be a good thing if your ideas weren't a little....well...wrong. But you've got spirit, and that's a start! Just don't bother your little brother so much, huh?
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