charity profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

cHaRity CaLdeRoN...i maY nOt be tHat iNteLLectuaLLy endowed but my effoRtS and haRd-woRkiNg attitudE are moRe thaN eNougH to cOmpenSate for mY "diSaBiLitieS"...mY cHaRmiNg wayS neVeR faiL to Lite up a duLL SituatioN, wHeNeveR aN oCcuRenCe dim, my bRight LightS aLwayS sHines...dO Not bE fOoLed by my quiet and sHy wayS, deeP iNside Lies a veRy fuNNy giRL that aLways sHocKs the Room witH mY smirKiNg giggLe and LaughteR...i do Not nEed aN imPreSsive pRofiLe, thiS oR tHat sTuff to pRoVe mY wortH, mY haRd-woRkiNg wayS and sPirited attitUde are eNougH attRibuTe to deScRibe me aS a peRson...sO fRieNdS, yOu caN aLwayS CouNt oN mE... :)

My Interests

surfing d net, texting, singing even if i don't have the "K" to sing, cooking and a lot more! hehehe! :)

I'd like to meet:

anYone! :)


R&B, sentimental, pop, alternative, jazz and.......