I used to like bowling and running..but with the way my class schedual is in college i dont really have alot of time for things like that anymore...my life revolves around class..eating and sleeping..yeah..thats pretty much it.
Anyone who is bored and wants to talk, I'm pretty much open to anyone who wants to say anything.
I love action movies! I really dont go for the mushy chick flicks...they are just way to dramatic. Some of my favorites are : The Matrix,Blow,Johhny English,Star Wars (the originals),Spider Man,The Lord of the Rings (all),The Rocky Horor Picture Show,Master&Commander,Drowning Mona,Cold Mountain,A Midsummer Nights Dream (I love shakespeare),Pirates of the Caribbean,The Village,Much Ado About Nothing,Signs,Minority Report,anything by Monty Python...the list goes on.
I watch alot of tv, well I do when I'm not working but whatever. Most of my favorite shows are on Comedy Central and Adult swim but I also like C.S.I,Law and Order, Cold Case, and Friends...I will always love that show.
I really enjoy reading but I dont really have a favorite style of book. The best book I have read was "Three" by Ted Dekker,but I also am a big fan of William Shakespeare. I also like anything by Arthur Miller and Jack London...ummm..the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini..and the Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis are some of my favorites.
First would be my mom and dad..for just about everything that they have done for me, especially this year, second would be my grandparents for always being so understanding of me and everything I do. Thanks!