Sunny profile picture


Sunny Day, Chasin' the Clouds Away...

About Me

Well, I'm 8, which makes me 56 in dog years. I'm very hyper given my heart condition and age, but I pretty much love everyone!My heritage is miniture poodle and lhasa apso. I'm slender and small, only about 8 lbs. I'm a blonde. As you can tell from my photos. And yes, it is all natural!I have three sisters named Kayli, Zoie and Teddi. Kayli is a human, Zoie is a calico cat and Teddi is a hamster. Zoie and I don't get along very well. I outweigh her, but she out-claws me! Kayli is great she leaves lots of food laying around for me to sample! Plus she hugs and kisses me! There's not much to say about Teddi except she's small and brown and makes a lot of noise in the middle of the night running in that damn wheel!My favorite color is pink, because I look so damn good in it! If you haven't figured it out, I have attitude! (just like my mommy!)Oh yea, I share my birthday with Britney Spears! He he! Currently I live with my daddy. He and my mom are together, but I like hanging out with my friend Baby. And daddy has a big yard for me to run and play in!

My Interests

I enjoy knocking down small children, biting the ankles of pre-teens, occasionally urinating on floors and being attacked by my sister, Zoie.

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm, I'd like to meet new friends in my area to play with.

Dog survey
whats ur breed? Llasa Poo
whats ur name Sunny
whats ur b-day December 2, 1998
whats ur favorite toy I play with my food!
whats ur nick name if you got one Doodle
yes or no
do u like to play fetch Sort of
do u know any tricks I play stiff as a board, light as a feather!
do u start trouble behing ur mom/dads back Always!
do u chew up stuff Sometimes
do u have a dogfriend A few
have u ever had puppies No
have u ever messed up the house just for fun Often!
more questions
whats the funniest thing u have done I'm not really funny. Cute, but not funny!
do u love your human mommy/daddy Always and forever!
is Air Bud ur hero No. He's lame!
do u like car rides YES!
do u like to swim NO! I tried for the first time last Saturday. It's not for me!
are you friends with a cat Friends? Not really. We tolorate each other.
do u live with other animals Yes, a cat and a hamster.
have u ever bit ur owner Yes, but by accident.
whats the bravest thing u'v done I'm not brave. Being cute makes up for that!
what is your favorite past time I collect crumbs off the floor and jump on children!
have u ever been to a kennel Yes, it's scary. So I don't go anymore.
did u like this survey It was short and sweet, just like me!



Well, I really don't have much preference in this catagory. But I do enjoy the occasional Shania Twain song or perhaps DMX when I feel like gettin' jiggy wit it!


Nothing special. I have watched Save the Last Dance and Selena approximately 100 times. (blame that on my mom!)


I watch whatever is on. So I suppose I'm addicted to the Food Network and reality tv! And it goes without saying I LOVE Sesame Street! (Elmo, you go boy!)


I don't read, but I do listen to my mom read my baby sister books.


Mr. Winkle, Spuds Makenzie and those horses on the Budwieser commericals!