House of Fire - "Walking Along the Sun" from blake monahan on Vimeo .=========================Hailing from Canada, I moved to The States almost 5 yrs ago to pursue my dream of music and Drumming. It's been a very exciting 5 yrs. Could write a book, but not yet! I miss free Health Care, my family, friends and familiar places but hey, unfamiliarity makes for a great introduction and this depends on You. Tell me about You. ================================================ To make ends meat i've worked as a dishwasher, a busboy, a food runner, a waiter and a barter. i've always wanted to learn carpentry. I'm a pretty good cook, I cut my own hair, I'm a very inquisitive person, I like to learn and try new and exciting things all the time and I love people, dogs, cats and the air I breathe. ================================================ I'm fortunate to play with some amazingly talented musicians, all of which are on my "Top Friends". It never ceases to amaze me the incredible talent of musicians in the philadelphia and for that matter the Tri-State area. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MUSIC VIDEO FOR "THE WAY BACK DOWN" AS AIRED ON DIG PHILLY TV ON NBC! Photograher & Editor by Matthew Maiorano
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"Piece" Sharon Little and bandAdd to My Profile | More Videos