Dani profile picture


Revelation: Helping people out of the Crapper, DANGEROUS!!

About Me

Ok, so I WAS a 26 y/o nursing student.... NO LONGER!!! Apparently pulling one pill instead of the quantity at the side of the MAR, where it is usually not hidden, and getting corrected by your instructor - twice - before you figure out that the system has changed can get you a failure in clinical and subsequently no way to pass the program! Lesson learned. I am now a rising Senior at UNC Chapel Hill. Yeah, back to my roots... I can't quite get away!!! What else.... I love to play pool and love a challenge... especially enjoying playing those who can school me! My fiance is the captain of my pool teams - a regular Andy Taylor type who grew up on a dairy farm - so our team names are "Got Milk" and "Half & Half." I frequent the local pool halls around the RTP and love sampling the various scenes! I have been known as one of the most authentic people ever; with this huge heart (which is still trying desperately to recover from its last disaster)....I am, however, frequently catching myself nearly offending folks by my overly dry sense of humor.... Sadly, I am finding more and more that when I try to be helpful in any unfortunate social situation (I generally stay out of these except when it directly effects me cuz someone has involved my very tender-hearted significant other) I end up somehow unwittingly diverting all anger surrounding the situation onto myself... which is cool cuz those I care about end up cool with each other... but kinda uncool cuz... yeah... it sucks. I'm trying to learn to be the faithful and protective, helpful peace-maker without being the one left in the crapper :p. SO Onto greener subjects (honestly, no pun intended) I've recently caught the golf "bug" so I can be found on a course with my scratch-golfer fiance(yeah, we make quite the odd-skill-couple out there) about once a week trying to stay above water. Anything else? Ask me!

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What TV Doctor are You?
It could be said that you are the most famous tv doc around. You are good at your job, but you tend to get distracted by personal things. Stay focused and don't let men define you.

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What Harry Potter student character are you?
Ginny Weasley
warmhearted, loyal and brave and has a fierce temper when riled. She can be unkind when angered, but comforting when sympathetic.
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