Howdy Folks, This site is a handy guide to find shopping, music, events, services, ect. that circle within the retro world of Austin. Shopping for antiques, vintage, and retro stores. Services such as neon & signage, upholstery, sewing classes, dance lessons, catering, organic Texas grown grocery, hair salon, and more. Gearhead section find kustom hotrod~car repair and design, motorcycle repair, parts man for classic cars, scooters, and motorcycles. Music well that is a given in Austin check out gigs, bands, and record stores. Events cover the gamut motorcycle rallys, bike swapmeets, burlesque, record collector conventions, swing dances, and more. Come visit us at: Feb.7th 2007
This nut has cracked wide open. Honestly it took a truckload of arm twisting to get me to put up profiles for the things I do. Once I did I sat around on my can for awhile. This past week I started working on the profiles and wow weee. I know Texas rocks, but this is tons of fun with so much to hear, see, do, and find out about. This started with Austin, but Texas is too big to ignore, so our family is spreading statewide.