The voters that share this new vision for Central New York.
Fowler Policy: (for additional info, click Here )
Chris has been passionate about fixing New York’s health care since the day he found out it was broken. Our country spends approximately $6,000 per person every year providing health care, more then twice as much as the next country, and still our health care ranks in the middle of the pack compared with other industrialized nations. People without health insurance use hospitals for their primary care, burdening an already overloaded system. Small businesses struggle to stay afloat in the face of rising healthcare costs for their employees.
By providing all New Yorkers with access to basic health care services, we can reduce the burden on both our medical and business professionals, as well as help working families and seniors who might otherwise be unable to afford health services. In short, we’d improve the health and welfare of New Yorkers, improve both general and emergency medical services, and in the long run save billions of dollars. This change would be of great benefit to businesses, leading to strong economic development.
Education is a similar story. We spend more money on education than any other state besides for New Jersey, yet what we get for our money is a system with falling SAT and standardized test scores and rising drop-out rates. School funding is based primarily on locally generated revenues from property taxes. The current formula is unequal and discriminatory and ensures that children in wealthy areas go to better-funded schools, while children and their schools who are in need continue to go without. The system isn’t working and we need to fix it.
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