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About Me

..relax a little..
..Hello everybody!
ARE YOU A MURDERER or are you so innocent that you have never killed a soul?!? I want to say that it's so cruel to eat animals. Isn't the highest law not to kill anybody??? And you kill all the time, just to get satisfied ONLY. That's perverse!! There are other methods to get fine! In which time are we living that most people don't/won't realize it? Of course we have eaten meat since the time we were able to think and even before and eating meat is laid down in our evolution but isn't anybody talking of a *civilized* world now? You can say it won't change anything if only I stop eating meat. But THE WORLD IS WHAT YOU ARE! And you can say animals eat animals too but(are you an animal? ;) they have no other choice to survive. Anyway, isn't anybody talking about humans reason? I'm asking myself what they mean?! Computers were invented, we are able to split the DNA and keep on killing our friends(remember,cruel people in china eat cats/dogs and indians find it cruel to murder a cow!(did you even know pigs are the most intelligent pets?))are uncomparable contrasts. I'm so sick of people saying "what about that poor banana?" I say "you have to live somehow therefor try to do whatever you can". Everybody who will still eat meat NOW is just too lazy to use his own mind! Maybe it's a kind of addiction... Stop eating meat for a week and you will see that you won't any animal to DIE FOR YOU ever again!!!
For a single bite of flesh we take away the sun and the light from the animal who's destination it was to be pleased by them.(Plutarch)
Since my youngest age i detested the use of flesh and time will come when people look down to murder of animals like nowadays to murder of humans.(Leonardo da Vinci)
Nothing on earth will increase the chances to survive as much as turning into a vegetarian diet.(Albert Einstein)
..The Value of a Smile
It costs nothing but creates much.
It enriches those who receive without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash & the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
It cannot be begged, borrowed or stolen but it is of no earthly good until it's given away.
So if in your hurry you run across somenone too weary to smile - leave one of yours!
No one needs a smile as much as he who has none to give!
Smiles are such an important part of communication We see them far more clearly than any other expression. We can pick up a smile at 300 feet, the length of a football field.
WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS for they become your words.
watch your words for they become your manner.
Get more at shayanashop.net
Rapunzel waiting for *her* prince.....
I live in the clouds. Reality is not made for me. People say i should come down. That the clouds are not a place for grownups to be. I smile at them. Maybe one day i say, maybe one day i may come down. But i never will. Reality is not made for me. I shall stay up here. The view is quiet breathtaking.
"Self expression in dance
United by sound and rhythm
crossing all boundaries of believes and languages
moments of trance in dance
listen move and loose the self
joy and happiness
harmony and peace
sound and rhythm
manifesting the spirit of love"
~ I don't chance I simply stay different ~
& always think positive !

My Interests

..Metaphysics, Nature&Animals, Music, Phantasy, Art, Friends, Chilln..

I'd like to meet:

Marilyn Manson & a copy of myself!




............Goa......Libertines...., Rolling Stones, Marilyn Manson,
Babyshambles, Led Zepplin, Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Fiona Apple,
PJ Harvey, Massive Attack, Moloko, White Stripes, @ the Drive In, Air,
Vollenweider, Beatles, QotSA, Nina Simone, Brant Bjork, Monkees, Kinks,
Toto, Eric Clapton, Fu Manchu, Blood Brothers, Cardigans, Jamiroquai,
Eva Cassedy, , ............GOA..............


..Easy Rider, The little Mermaid, Asterix & Cleopatra, The last Unicorn,
Pippi Longstocking, Pocahontas, Robin Hood, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas,
The Worlds fastest Indian, The Horse Whisperer, Animal Farm, Loving & Painting ..


..don't have one but like the simpsons, fashion tv, quarks&co, the persuaders


..Schlafes Bruder(Robert Schneider), The Famous Five(Enid Blyton), Das Parfum(Patrick Süßkind), Brave New World(Aldous Huxley),
Traumdeutung(Adrienne von Taxis), Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (J.K. Rowlings)
magazine: Tierfreund..


..Marilyn Manson, Superman, Albert Hofmann und Patty !
The Future of Music: Marilyn Manson
Twenty-one artists from Chester Bennington to Jeff Tweedy weighed in with their views
on the future of music for Rolling Stone's current issue.
As a bonus, they got a Q&A with Marilyn Manson.
Q: What do you see as the most important issue facing the United States,
or maybe even the world, today?
MM: I think it's the possibility of devaluing things by empowering people to self-broadcast
or bootleg or even import things from China. It started with the entertainment industry,
but it's ended up translating into everything else. Things have become devalued to the point
where people don't realize the repercussions, that they're devaluing themselves.
It could end up bringing about chaos, a lawless situation.
Q: Do you see anyone addressing this issue in a meaningful way?
MM: I don't really know how you would deal with it. I think it's important to continually demonstrate
the importance of being an artist. It becomes a moral value. There's an architect who built the building.
There's someone who wrote the song you're listening to. Somebody made the movie
and the book that you see or read. It goes back to my most important idea, that artists
should be the ones to rule society because they shape society. But artists will
always be suppressed and, for the most part, tortured and tormented in financial, emotional
and sometimes physical ways. We're idealistic people who want to spend our time
putting ideas into the world, which ends up fucking us over. I hate to play the martyr,
but someone has to [laughs].
Q: Are you optimistic about the future?
MM: Ultimately, because I'm an artist, I can't ever consider myself a nihilist,
so I suppose I'm optimistic. I decided to make music again at a time when I couldn't
have had more obstacles. If what you do is being threatened as a profession,
that could be scary. But that's the same reason why I walked out on stage many times
after receiving death threats. I couldn't live without doing what I wanted to do.
So at the same time I have to be willing to die for it.

..The Animals of the world exist 4 their own reason.
They were not made 4 humans any more than black people
were made 4 whites or women 4 men...
..freiraum festival 07..
..changing seasons..
..high mountain..
..at *school*..
..christmas 1987..
(please OVERLOOK my mum wearing a fur coat)
ice skating
..Singapore Airport..
..alles hat super geklappt! keine bruchlandung!
doris hat mich wie versprochen morgens um 5 am flughafen
abgeholt, wofuer ich echt dankbar bin! wir sind zu ihr
nachhause, wo ich mich gleich pudelwohl gefuehlt habe!
alles war einfach wunderbar! dort habe ich dann helga,
meine 4th cousin, und bernard kennen gelernt. wir haben uns
so gut verstanden - &das tun wir immernoch ;D ! ich hab
mich soooo gefreut und kann die ganzen gefuehle jetzt kaum
ausdruecken, weil schon zuviel zeit vergangen ist!..
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow ..long reef..
..irgendwie war ich gar nicht muede, er in trance. schlafen
wollte ich also nicht! doris ist mit mir einkaufen in die
warringah mall das groesste shoppingcenter was ich bis
dahin je gesehen habe ~ dort haben wir u. a. einen typisch
australischen pie gegesen. wir sind in ihr warehouse und
ich konnte ein paar emails checken. danach hat sie mir
long-reef gezeigt, es war einfach wunderschoen, aber ich
war von australiens beauty schon vorher ueberzeugt ^^ !..
..Helga on her balcony..
..leider hat sie uns im oktober verlassen und ist jezt
auf weltreise!..
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow ..Manly & around ..
..von ganz sydney finde ich manly echt am schoensten und
bin so froh, dass ich genau hier arbeite! das flair ist
entzueckend ~ ich wollte um nichts in der welt tauschen!..
..for those who like me..
..and for those who don't like me..
.. ..around Sydney Harbour.. ..jedesmal wenn ich die faehre von manly zu circular quay
nehme, ueberkommt mich das gefuehl ich haette hier schon
einmal gelebt..besonders im sonnenuntergang sieht das
opernhaus zuberhaft aus! es ist hier einfach
unbeschreiblich schoen!!..
..Art Gallery of NSW..

..ja hier wohnte ich von november bis mai und alles lief
spitze!die location super, die sonne nur am scheinen ~ was
will man mehr?!?..

..Bondi & Cromer..

My Blog

difficulty of love

i'm sitting by the fire placefocused on the flamesthat burn inside of methe heat that burns out my heartit's a cemetery of loveit is emty and lonelyit is dying to loveit's lost in space...
Posted by jule on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:23:00 PST

are you listening to GOD or to satan !!?

SELF-SACRIFICE !!we are not to degest that piece of apple we swallowed any further (for we cant spit it out) it never used to belong to us and every day that we make use of it it will further contamin...
Posted by jule on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 01:16:00 PST

meine freunde sind die cooolsten ;)

 ~ sag ich doch   ^_^      3~*
Posted by jule on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:55:00 PST