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Ulrich von Grimmstein

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About Me

MSN: [email protected]

**Just faintly, my eye perceived the continental edges of distant worlds caught in the swirls of tempest winds, rising up and up and up above the horizon. The Nodverse was a maelstrom spinning with undying storms, and I clambered in the bone-fields at the lowest point. At the highest point, far above the Nodverse, the splendour of the empyrean loomed god-like upon the maelstrom's lips.
The dream was fading. I was no longer a child. I was lost in a land of things forgotten and abandoned.**
----Persephone Dreams... forever...
**Hail horrors, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n...**
---John Milton
† I am a writer. I am fond of darkness. There is a certain majesty in the darkness which seduces me, it sings to me... and it teaches me. Within the shadows I contemplate this world and its end. When I write, I write of my home beyond the shadow, where the sorrows dance. It is a place where every tear has a name, where suicide is a placebo... and my dollies love me. They love me a LOT. †
I am trapped back in my vile homeland again! Ghar!
Oh yes, I am shrouded in darkness. In that darkness there are rainbows, monstrous rainbows. I have magical friends, some more imaginary than others. Some of them ride on rainbows. Some of them have tendrils. Tendrils are hot. As for my family? I'd probably not have made them any different, if I'd had the choice, except that they'd carry battleaxes everywhere. Yes, big battleaxes. Oh yes, and rainbows. Other than the evils of university, my life tends to run along the lines of "exceptional". Yes, I am indeed pleased with my life. A troubled soul? Phhhht... only troubled by you, human... *shakes head*
You have no understanding of rainbow darkness!
Despite my cheerfulness, I must admit that I really would like to concentrate more on my musical aspects, especially in regards to a particular Mr. Tom. He has nice black rainbows. I envision a dark destiny for this world, buried beneath the terror and anguish unleashed by two unholy brothers. Oh and don't fret, humans, for I promise you'll enjoy the torment (and the burny rainbows). I also desire to delve deeper into my writing. A thousand hexes upon you, real world! *shakes fist*
I am on the quest for a soul like mine... Hear me, oh Darkness!
I wish that more of my friends had glowing red eyes...
I'm really, really not fond of telephones, money, or closed-mindedness...
Ancestry, on my Mother's side, reaches from the dark depths of the Harz Mountains in Germany across to the shadowy realms below the Carpathian Mountains. The dancing ghosts of witches long fallen haunt my blood. My father's side also has Germanic blood in it, as well as Polish, but so too is it brimming with the essence of Celtic-Scottish druids and warrior-poets of Scandinavian descent. Drink, heathen-lords, drink! They still chant to me this day. I'm quite pleased with my blood... but am willing to share it around with the right company...
Now just so you know, I don't care for such petty little things as archetypes and genres. I like what I like, whatever it may be. My writing is treated the same way. Nonetheless, as society has trapped me between "Gothic" and "Metal", I have had to look inwards. It hurt and I bled a lot, but if society requires genres and archetypes, then by all heck, I shall be my own: "Mothic"! Or "Gethal"... or Mothic Gethal... Gethal Moth... oh you get the point! If you don't, I don't really care. So yes, I am mothlike, like God Himself. Christ is Mothic too. I must be Christ-like, then. That was obvious, though. Are you Christ-like? No! Hah!
Oh to heck with it - I'll put myself in the category of "Yixmog". Yes! Much better!
Oh I wish I was somebody else so I could hug and praise me...!!! ...and beat me...
*"The soul, being eternal, after death is like a caged bird that has been released. If it has been a long time in the body, and has become tame by many affairs and long habit, the soul will immediately take another body and once again become involved in the troubles of the world. The worst thing about old age is that the soul's memory of the other world grows dim, while at the same time its attachment to things of this world becomes so strong that the soul tends to retain the form that it had in the body. But that soul which remains only a short time within a body, until liberated by the higher powers, quickly recovers its fire and goes on to higher things."*
This profile was edited with darkestpoint.com Editor

My Interests

† To put it quick and simple, my interests include Writing (actually, typing), Rainbows, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride, Ponies, Red Wine, Mead, Ellipses, Séances, Spirituality, Hell, Solitude, Blasphemy, Spiders, Goats, Pianos, Violins, Orchestras, Rain, Really big monkeys, Storms, Circuses, SLUMBER PARTIES, Destruction, Experimentation, Salt, Thunder, Lightning, the Dark Symposium, Trying new things, Inhumane medical monstrosities, Dollies, Clowns, Symbols, Carnies, Moths, Gypsies, Blankets, Individual hairs, Crucifixion, the Number Nine, Pasta, my Bride, Savoury Food, Cosmicism, Objets d'art, Lucid Dreaming, Hammers, Salvation, Humour, Pirates, the Burlesque, Anime, Alcohol, more Spiders, the Grotesque, Alcohol in Wine, Bubbles, Satay Sauce, the Macabre, God, the Gothic, Trepanation, Martyrdom, Mythology, Toes, Nihilism (although I really don't see the point), Religion, Leather, Pointy Things, Wounds, Religion in Wine, Alchemy, Bitingness, Mindlessless, Chaos, ADVENTURE (not knowing where you are = WOOH!), Frenchness, Germanity, Philosophy, Metal, History, Torture, Sorrow, Ice, Profoundness, Metal in Wine, Coldness, Curry, Piercings, Old Men, Cats that eavesdrop on bedtime stories, Caterpillars, Sarcasm, Redemption, Stormy Seas, Mountains, and three rainbows... erm... well, I'm interested in a lot of things. I'm a writer! I suppose I could sum it up very roughly by saying that my interests often fall into those things which are of the darkness - MUWAHAHAHAAA!
As a writer, I seek inspiration. I am a rather greedy creature; when I take an interest in something, I do so only for the sake of my own inspiration. In all things I look for an aspect of the darkness from which I may draw the black fires that fuel my tales. Yes, I am a monster... but I'm a pretty monster. †

I love going for long walks at night, especially in the rain. The moonlight reflected in the drenched night... precious. I adore the sounds of rainswept drains and the wind in wet trees. Why does nobody else enjoy a good walk in the rain? Water doesn't hurt! Am I cursed to wander the night alone, under blackened clouds?

I'd like to meet:

† The only being worth meeting, in my eyes, is God. He has powers over rainbow. One day I will meet Him, and together we shall contemplate the darkness and drink fine red wine (and some purple). Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the miserable sort - I'm rather gleeful, actually. Nonetheless, my deepest dream is to sit with God and watch the Fall of Mankind, as I sink into my own desolate, blood-drenched decadence. Ahh, that would make me giggle. My dollies will come with me; yes, they'd quite like that. We will have a tea party in Hell with Jesus. Until then, however, I would be content to meet (and drink with): Socrates (he knew his drinks), Plato (his drinks knew him), Aristotle (he talked to his drinks), Gustave Doré, Thomas Forsberg, Neil Gaiman, Marko Tapani Hietala, Tuomas Lauri Johannes Holopainen, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, H. G. Wells, Saint Thomas Aquinas (but only if I can get him extremely drunk), Charles Perrault, François-Marie Arouet (oh I'm so philosophyish), Eduard Eberle, Emily Dickinson, Napoléon Bonaparte, Sigmund Freud, Mestrius Plutarchus, Jorge Luis Borges, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, William Blake, Arjen Anthony Lucassen, Lord Byron, Hélène Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Oscar Wilde, Dolly Wilde, William Butler Yeats, Michael John Moorcock (the moor the merrier), Øystein Aarseth, Mervyn Laurence Peake, Karl Marx, Franz Kafka, H.P. Lovecraft, Durante Degli Alighieri, Joseph Conrad, Mr Francisco Goya (especially in his 'nightmares'), Horace Walpole, Friedrich Nietzsche, Moshe ben Maimon, Scott Rickwood Taylor (though I doubt he'd acknowledge me, considering how self-absorbed he is), Sheridan Le Fanu, Neil Gaiman, Philippe Druillet, Alan Moore, Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (oh I'm so fancy-shmancy), Aleister Crowley, John Milton... and most importantly of all, the Muffin Man. I'm sure there are others, but that'll do for now. Heck, I think that all the people I'd really like to meet are dead. If not, I'd rather do away with them first, as it makes for a much more interesting relationship. I'd then take their rainbow dust. But hey, death shouldn't stop me, eh? It hasn't in the past... †
*"I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning."*
---Aleis†er Crowley

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† Oh dear... I would find it a daunting task to list ALL of the music that I listen to. But I'm quite MAD, so I'll give it a shot!
Abazagorath, Abigor, Aborym, Absu, AFTER FOREVER, Ajattara, Angtoria, Arafel, Arcturus, Artrosis, Astarte, Astrofaes, Ayreon, Bal-Sagoth, Bathory, Befallen, Birthday Massacre, Björk, Blut Aus Nord, Bolt Thrower, Borknagar, Burzum, Carpathian Forest, Carpe Tenebrum, Celtic Frost, CHARON, Clannad, Claymore, Cradle of Filth (I don't care what you think!), Crimson Moonlight, Dark Funeral, Dark Symposium, Darkthrone, Darkwell, Deathspell Omega, Deathstars, DELAIN, Diabolical Masquerade, Dimmu Borgir, -DRACONIAN-, Eisregen, Elis, Emilie Autumn, Emperor, Empyrium, Enya, EPICA, Eternal Descent, Evereve, Falkenbach, Finntroll, Fjoergyn, Folkearth, For My Pain..., Gold of Athanon, Gontyna Kry, Gorgoroth, Graveland, Graveworm (sometimes), Haggard, Hans Zimmer, Hecate Enthroned, Hellhammer, Illnath, Immortal, Lacrimas Profundere, Lacrimosa, Lacuna Coil (when they are drunk), Lamort, Leaves' Eyes, LUNA OBSCURA, Macbeth, Malice Mizer, Melechesh, Moi Dix Mois, Mortal Love, My Dying Bride, Naglfar, Nargaroth, Nazgul (the Italian one), Negura Bunget, Nemesea, NIGHTWISH, Nokturnal Mortum, Nosferatu, Opeth, Ördög, Paradise Lost, Rammstein, RAM-ZET, Rotting Christ, Sargeist, Satanic Warmaster, Satyricon, Sephiroth, Septic Flesh, Sigh, Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy, Silentium, Sirenia, Taake, Tanzwut, Temnozor, Theatres des Vampires, Theatre of Tragedy (old), Therion (when they are dark, heavy and nasty), Tiamat, TRISTANIA (preferably the older masterpieces), Turisas, Vampiria, Veil of Anguish, Venom, Virgin Black, Vreid, Windir, Winter Funeral, Witchery, Within Temptation, Xandria... ... ... †
Well there should be more than that, but my fingers hurt.


† I only like films I've never seen before... so much more mystery!


† I'm a writer, why should I read books written by other people? †
Actually, a luminous being once told me that a book is a message from the gods to mankind; or, if not, it should never be published at all. So when I write, I keep in mind the fact that I am a god. It makes sense...! Oh, and that being had eldritch rainbows of seething darkness, so he must have been a good chap.


† Allein zusammen! Er, I've always been more of a fan of villains, actually... yes, I like villains. Heroes are only born to die! Quite like puppies... † On that note, my bride isn't man enough to beat herself. As such, I'm forced to do it for her. †††
Oh, my only real and living hero is VOLTRON... none of those fleshy human things that fester inside him though, just the hulky metal parts... METAL LIKE MY SOUL!

*"To the eyes of a god, Mankind must appear as a species of bacteria which multiply and become progressively virulent whenever they find themselves in a congenial culture, and whose activity diminishes until they disappear completely as soon as proper measures are taken to sterilize them."* ---Aleis†er Crowley

My Blog

Concentrating on a lack of motivation...

Hmmmm... I'm procrastinating, or something along those lines. This very moment I should be working on my assignment! 'Tis due tomorrow, after all, and I haven't actually started it yet. Those few red ...
Posted by Ulrich von Grimmstein on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:31:00 PST