Superna/Cryolab Studios reunion show is set for Friday September 8th at the ENGINE ROOM in Houston! We will be performing with other Cryolab favorite bands including two bands produced at Cryolab studios in 2004 Dine Alone and Trace Element as well as Cryolab Favorite Chrome 44!!!
Trace Element will start the show followed by Dine Alone then Chrome 44 and then Superna hits the stage at midnight.
Will be even doing an special acoustic perfomance with DINE ALONE the night before - Thursday September 7th at JET LOUNGE right next door the the ENGINE ROOM on Pease St. in downtown H-town
We can't wait to see all of our old friends back home and throw down with all of you!! H-town proud!
1515 Pease St.
Houston TX 77001