bec LOVES her lakers profile picture

bec LOVES her lakers

i love my life!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

I am originally from arkansas and a proud southern girl at heart. I have danced with ballet companies and for tv promos and commercials out here in la, but I now run the ballet program at revolution dance center. I love teaching and being inspired by the dancers daily!! Besides that..I love lazy summer days, I love the beach,my family, my best friends, lee, laughing till it hurts,sleeping in when it's raining,margaritas,sushi and sake,getting the new cosmo,heels and handbags from downtown and wishing that i get something from tiffanys someday! what can i say..i am all girl for sure!! I created my layout at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

george bush so i can punch him in the balls with a baseball bat.


right coldplay!!!!!!!


the holiday,clueless, just friends,legally blonde,and the sweetest thing...and goonies..and girls just wanna have fun...and pretty in pink...omg! this list could go on forever!!


i watch the dumbest shit reality shows but i love them...the hills,project runway,housewives of new york and oc, oprah,oprah,oprah,(she's not dumb though)


the giving tree---my all time favorite.


mom and dad always

My Blog

Who’s Who Among American Women!!

YAY!!! I was asked for a second year to join this national group!! Each year they publish a book of American Professional Women and their goals and accomplishments:)WHOO-HOO!
Posted by bec LOVES her lakers on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 04:09:00 PST


Dreams of DanceAmazingAn InspirationA dedicated group that's strongYou fill our hearts with hope and loveFor it's you who make us carry on.You walk into that mirrored room,You dance across that floor,...
Posted by bec LOVES her lakers on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:05:00 PST

thought i would share this great quote

"There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle" Albert Einstein
Posted by bec LOVES her lakers on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:30:00 PST