mistaking elliot smith (not humble / spare) for elliot ness (search for a kong song), armistice day, stories about buddhas and lobstermen, writing an essay, shiva + colin + myshie, procrastination, liturgy + lincoln + liza, google image, anemia not invention, art schools, incantations, dirges, dirges, marianne moore's collected letters, tools, trades, secondary character, analysis by archetype & a good syllogism-------my tender insides are tides. i get sad, but then think of my favorite cosmonauts. i'm inadvertantly into mortality and car rides. prepositions, clavicles (bones not notes), indents, drowning out, sea chase / drowning, requests, addenda, v. woolf, penmanship, hierarchies. i sometimes stay sad and lose myself in space. rhymes, not rhymes. maybe it's always 1987 and you want it to be 1983. sonnets for mary todd lincoln. warm awareness & prairie school. nineteenth century construction of gender as experimental fantasia on spirtualism, i.e. the religious allegory of pragmatic & political thought by women in the american 1840s-60s & how it connects to the fetish of metaphor in twentieth century radical poets. conscious choice. conscientiousness. ethical life. 1960s color photography. populism. mental cartographies. line drawings. chicago. lineage. i'm pretty much always interested in hd's 'sea garden.'
people in chicago w/ a penchant for cameos (the antique, not the short-term). agrarian. note-takers. jest to knuckle / bone to bone.
feist. jens lekman covering scout niblett. BILLY BRAGG. FLEETWOOD MAC. smog. gang of four. television. mission of burma. little brother (not really). marc bolan. roberta flack (truly). corrina, corrina. joy division. the finches. feather family (not really). all neil young, all the time? DESTROYER. heartless bastards (lately). madlib / madvillian. joni mitchell's court & spark over blue. carter family (Really). curtis mayfield. inner visions. dusty live in memphis. chang loo & shanghai lounge singers. markland starkie -- 'spatial awareness.' joanna newsom = judy garland. this is conceived; this is warmly aware. i turn down no descendants of brian eno and kate bush. this sounds too confessional. antony hegarty's voice at work. i like torch songs & the fall & beirut (not really). sticky fingers side B / & jealous guy (more like working class hero). woody guthrie ' john wesley harding both acts, & 'candy tells me.' fake palindromes. cosmia. i don't feel like the quotes. paper thin. vivienne long. man man. heretics. the greatest. nilsson. josephine foster.
honestly? rodgers + hammerstein. grey gardens, weekend, fitzcarraldo, doctor zhivago.
winter of our discontent. ANNE CARSON / EMERSON. the making of americans. lisa jarnot's blog. emily dickinson, john donne's "withcraft by a picture," hd, "the withness of the body"--whitehead, nathaniel hawthorne, "does the fact look crass and material, threatening to degrade thy theory of spirit? resist it not; it goes to refine and raise thy theory of matter just as much," moore & bishop & morley as object, ronald johnson, notley & melville on white, the magic mountain, larkin, robert duncan, marx's thesis on feuerbach, THOMAS MANN & rosa luxemburg, susan howe, wittgenstein.
goya half-mad & the hat by candlelight. saint anne. simone weil. joe g. georgia.