Australian music is a comprehensive aggregator of Australian music videos. At ADJ, you’ll find the Australian artist video you’re looking for every time. ADJ saves you time by removing computers from the search equation, and filtering results with a human hand. Our focus is Australian Music Videos, nothing else!ADJ also plays a promotional role, featuring new and established artists as well as providing regular competitions and the ability to vote for your favourite DJ or VJ.Concept developed by Darren P., a former music journalist and old school fanatic, the site functions with the music lover’s best interests at heart. Using smart CMS technology and the old fashioned human touch, the site is updated constantly to provide the latest videos on the internet. It doesn’t matter if you like new or old artists, independent or established… ADJ provides the video you’re looking for without having to scroll through the millions of other videos with similar key search words on Youtube and similar.Sponsorships and banner advertising is currently available to industry leaders with an Australian Music focus.For more information contact…Darren P.
[email protected]