Brian Morefield was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, with so many hopes and dreams. One fateful car accident detoured those dreams, however, when global head trauma left him in a vegetative state for ten days after flying 70 feet through the car window. Through a combination of his and his parents' determination, Morefield battled the resulting paralysis on the left side of his body for a year. Now this guitar player writes with his signature black acoustic Taylor guitars and is the new generation of alternative rock. He calls it “acoustic-driven power pop.”
“When life gives you lemons, squeeze it in your enemies' eyes,” Morefield says about adversity; despite his past, he's creating a wonderful and bright future.
Along with other life experiences—being shot in the back, a two thousand-pound Dodge Ram truck running over his chest, sexual abuse, severe abandonment and confusion—the events of Morefield's life give his music an emotional authenticity that cannot be faked. In realizing the value of achieving his goals, Morefield has exchanged a life of drug abuse and women for four and a half years of sobriety and a year of celibacy, devoting himself instead to his undying first love of his music. Morefield dreams to share these experiences with his original material, from the greatest love to the greatest hatred, through the art of great music to help the people of the world understand that they're not alone in their dream called reality—a reality that can hurt from time to time.
Now Brian Morefield resides in San Diego, California at his family's beach-front property and, though he has the ability to retire at the age of twenty-three from these life experiences, he lives to entertain the world and become the man he's always dreamed to be.
Brian Morefield has entertained eight countries and forty-six states driving coast to coast six times. His greatest fan base is in Las Vegas and San Diego. “Entertain the world, plant seeds in their lives, build castles for my dreams, move mountains with faith. That is the only way I can feel content. Do something!”
His music
Brian Morefield's acoustic-rooted pop rock sparkles with energy and sharply-written melodies, carrying an exciting vibe across to the listener. He calls it therapy. Who ever knew therapy could be fun? With Brian, that's definitely the case. “Different music and styles obviously alter moods.” Brian is very in-tune with emotion and manipulates it masterfully with each and every track. “I usually like to be in a mood of passionate lovemaking and romance, but I do have those bad boy crazy moods as well.”Moving Mountains
“A little bit of the right kind of faith and a little music go a long way,” says Brian. With his overflow of talent and his confidence in his abilities, Morefield is eyeing a bright future. “With enough faith one can move mountains, and I'm moving mountains—called dreams! My dad says, ‘There are two things you can go in debt for: a car and a house.' I say there are three things: a car, a house, and your dreams!”Meeting People, Writing Music
Brian reaches deep into life's ups and downs and the humans that populate life. “I'm inspired by life experiences and the people I meet. Observing people's styles, pain, hurt, bitterness, and love.” This helps him strike at the root of human experience and write songs that people can embrace wholeheartedly. It's why his fan base is destined to grow. Brian Morefield is a national name in the making!Optimism
Brian's optimism and musical skills are bound to take him far. He envisions a bright future and he's got the abilities to carry him forward into it. “I'm touring the world soon! I'm signing with one of the biggest labels in the world! Which one? I don't known yet!” For now, he's working with Hollywood's hottest A&R firm, A&R Select