Live music I luv Blues, jazz, and funk.Sly in the Family Stone,Parliment,George Clinton,Ray Charles,Bob Marley,Jim Morrison,Zepp,Lennon,Beatles,Van Morrison,the list goes on...I love dancing. People of different cultures. Of course beautiful people. I love the outdoors,swimming, laying in the sun is one of my favorite places to be. I just love being active...I think it keeps you young.Art,Art,Art.Politics the TRUTH,keeping our children FREE and educating the sheeple. .. OPEN YOUR EYES....
Check this out!!!It is not what you think.
I like all kinds of music...If I can feel it, if it touches something inside me I am there. Lost in it. Anything FUNKY!!!From heavy metal to classical and everything in between. Variety is the spice of life!!..
Scary movies are my favorite!!!I also like The Doors,Yellow Submarine,Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,The Jungle Book,Forrest Gump,Sling Blade and lots more I will have to add later.
Oldie but goody "Good Times". Cold Case, CSI, Anything on Serial Killers, murder investigation, UFO's, theology, the psyche, the parnormal, the government and anything that makes me laugh(it's good medicine). In Living Color, Reno 911,I HATE soap operas!!
The Road Less Traveled. It inspired me and helped change my life