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About Me

My real name is Joe im 18 years old. I'm about to start traing to be a sharp shooter for the APD and in July. In the end my final goal in life is to be an actor. I'm a nice guy until you mess with me, my friends, or above all my family. I have a strong hispanic background. Im always willing to lend a helping hand to any one. I'll help and protect anyone all they gotta do is ask. Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I like to play football and paint ball. I like hangin out with my friends Adam, Shane, Joey, and David. I like to write movies and make short films(for now). I like to help people when i can.


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I'd have to say my favorite movies are The Matrix movies. I also like Back to the Future


My favorite shows are Two and a Half Men, Big Brother, and Last Comic Standing


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