I am Chris. My last name has a capitol T for no particular reason. I itch more than anyone you've met in your entire life. All the shirts I own are either from the internet or bands. I have a single pair of chucks and jeans. I make sandwiches three times a week. Robert Patinson will forever be Cedric Diggory. My music taste is excellent, this is not open for discussion. It's not a concert if you are sitting down. I have a candle in my room and fucking love it. I have a bit of a potty mouth. I have the tendency to get really involved with something then forget it ever happened. You shouldn't bother trying to text or call me I almost never respond. I haven't cried in 3 years and I'm not proud of it. I plan on your saving your mother, the earth. I'm too weak to be a vegetarian. I have morals, strong morals. I'll pass on the drugs and alcohol thanks. I'll save sex for my wife. I'm going to change this place, just you watch.
I have this for nostalgic value mainly.
If you actually want to get in contact with me
this is where you want to go.