"GOOEY" ((RBL)) profile picture



About Me

Well, my name is shaunice (hello)... umm, lets see... I guess I'm a kool person, I just have to get to know you and you would have to get to know me... uhh, I have one older sister she has a kid, in that case he's my nephew his name is Lazarus... he's pretty kool. I come from a large family, lots of cousins so umm if you know them, I may not know you, prolly just your name... or know your face and not your name haha, but if you don't know them or me,... hey what's up(haha) ... But uhh, yeah... I live out here in the "slums of scottsdale"(haha I got that from timmy)... As you can see I like to go to shows, and I've been to some pretty sweet ones (THANKS TO MERCILESS ENTERTAINMENT)... so CHECK OUT MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS.NEKROMANTIX "SUBCULTURAL GIRL"

Add to My Profile | More Videosthe return of: MAD SIN

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Add to My Profile | More VideosKoffin Kats @ CHASERS

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My Interests


H.I.M (yes! I still love them) NEKROMANTIX STRAIGHT RAZOR SUICIDE CORPSE SHOW CREEPS LOS DIFUNTOS ZOMBIE GHOST TRAIN TIGER ARMY HORRORPOPS HENCHMEN BATMOBILE KOFFIN KATS MAD SIN DEMENTED ARE GO! 12 STEP REBELS THE CREEPSHOW SPEED CRAZY THREE BAD JACKS STRAY CATS THE CHOP TOPS THE QUAKES COFFIN NAILS..... there's more... but uhh, yeah...anything that catches my interest...Well I've heard a lot, mostly like rap and hip hop... because of my dad.... most of you know what he does.


Hmm... I Like A lot Of Movies... But anything I find interesting or funny....I've been watching these like everyday for the past 3months BEERFEST SUPERBAD SUPER TROOPERS KNOCKED-UP GREASE 1&2 CKY(all of them) HAGGARD GRANDMAS BOY.....


Don't watch it as much... just watch DVD's and play the GUITAR HEROES.


Reading Isn't My "Cup Of Tea"... I Just Like Looking At The Pictures...


Hmmm....Their not really my "heroes" they just have a special place in my heart, you could say.... there's TIMMY(who is pictured with his bass), he's like best guy friend as well as my cousin. Lets just say we understand eachother... and the chicks dig him(haha) DWAYNO INSANO! One of my older cousins... he's very wise, I guess you could say and very funny... I luv him, just don't mess with... cuz I wouldn't, if you know him or seen him you know why...Haha! Then there's EVON!!!! This chick is kool, (I gotta put a picture of her on here) but yeah... she's my best friend I guess you could say, just like a sistah... we can talk about anything! She listens to me and I listen to her... we're kool!Here's some more people that I care about... MY FAMILY (basically) THOSE BOYS I HANG WITH... haha their kinda like my krew haha...AND OF COURSE SOME OF MY "MYSPACE FRIENDS"