aper ek???erm...ha..i like DoLPhiN...cOmeL Sgt and MAnJa..Rase cAm nak PiciT2 jee..lagi satu KuCinG SiAm Yg MaNja..Yg GaraNg Tak Mau aaAA.. another thing is i like something that look white cam my car..nampak Smart JeRR..and my t-shirt..almost of my collection in whIte CoLOrs.Yuyu gak suka BenDe2 Yg keciL and Cute..SkaNg Nih Tgh siBuk NaK ColleCT TeDdY beArs Plak..BuaT cOLLecTion DLm BiLik...suKa Gak pD PerFuMe..Ckp La Per JeniS PerFUme..Im sure I got it In My CollEctiON....AromaTHeraphy TeDDy DreAm..beSt Gak..chatTing oNe Of mY HoBBies..and Yuyu suka Bangat nih sama WatErMeLon JuiCE..nyam..nyam...
i'd like to meet my parent when they away from me...:((hehehe..just kidding!!actually..id like to meet YOU as my NeW BudDys..
music ek...i Like All TYpe of Music except Dangdut..Nnonoonononono...way i like that music...GIve ME a HeadacHe
LORT part 1,2 and 3..Fear Factors..2fast 2 furious..3fast3furious..AXN..PeTer PAn..The PiRate CarraBiaNs..ChaRmed..KuLiyAh CiNta..PuTeRi GuNunG LeDaNg...i-RoBoT, AlLiEn Vs PreDICtoR...etc...
donT LikE waTching Tv...BUsAn
LaGenDa BUdak Setan...Yonna and Yonni(ntah..lupa plak title buku nih)..CleO, ReMAja, MIngGuan WaNita..dll...
tak mInat aaa...heroes heroes...nih