I'm not on here to MEET anyone ... I,m just having fun playing around with My Kids ,some of Their Friends , some of My Friends , and a Few Guys who are Stuck Over Seas , GOD Bless and Keep Them Safe !!! I WOULD like to talk to anyone living in a Wheelchair! My youngest Daughter has Lumbo Sacral Agenisis, her spine stop's at T-10. She's getting ready to drive, and go to college, so we've been accessing some pretty cool Spaces on here that are helping us with some information we needed about Hand Control's and Modification's. THANK'S, You Know Who You Are!
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I LOVE ALL MUSIC !!! LOUD MUSIC !!! MUSIC IS AWESOME !!! Texas Country ,Old Country , Bluegrass , Old Rock , Gospel , Just not Opera , that Sucks . This would be One Boring Ass Place without Music !!! OH , And I LOVE to play My Tambourine , SORRY Melissa , she think's I'm TOO LOUD !!!
I don't really like to sit and watch movies , they last too long ... But I did really like , 8 Seconds , Pure Country , Steel Magnolias , Hope Floats , Pretty Woman , The Urban Cowboy , Anything that isn't Violent , Scarey , or On The Edge Of Your Seat ...GRRRRRRR !!! Me and Melissa did go see World Trade Center , and IT WAS GOOD , Because it was Based on REAL EVENT'S , But SO SAD ....I'd rather watch Home Vidoe's of my Kiddo's growing up,,, That's COOL SHIT!!!
Create Your Own!
Dr. Phil , Survivor , Big Brother , American Idol , Rock Star SUPERNOVA , Cops , Judge Judy , Millionaire , and Wheel Of Fortune , and The PBR. I pretty much like ALL the Reality Junk , I guess cause it's not Made Up Crap .I Don't Like FICTION
I don't really sit and read Books , I LOVE TO READ , but I like reading Cookbooks , Stuff about Gardening , Fish Ponds ,and Outdoor Living , Magazines , and The News Paper . There again ,Just like the T.V. thing , I don't want to sit and read some Made Up Crap . I like it REAL ! If it's REAL , or if it's News , I'll read it !!!instanceid=41231851"..
Jesus{ My Salvation } , Dooley { he LOVE'S me, and he takes GOOD care of me } , and My Miss Melissa { WHO IS , ONE STRONG YOUNG LADY }. If She's Not on Your Hero List , You Don't Know Her !!!