Blueberry muffins, cooking, dinosaurs, writing really long letters [snail mail lives on!] Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Wayne's World, tube socks, snuggling with Brucie the brontosaurus[note the picture in my pics], sneaking into pools late at night, making up secret handshakes, taking pictures, wearing cowboy hats, wearing my bear claw slippers around, making snowflakes, changing my Lite Brite picture, traveling!
Fred Astaire. I'd ask him to teach me a dance move and that would be the only move I ever did for the rest of my life. That man is epic. Garth Algar. Also an epic fellow.
I like everything just about.
I'm quite a fan of cinematic adventures. Comedy, drama, action, classics, everything. TCM and AMC all the way.
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I just enjoy books. I also love reading comic books, but I'm not sure that qualifies here.