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I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My name's Jessica That's me...... being random haha...*Artist *Writer *Musician *Love to cook/bake *Tree-Hugger *Don't believe in "Hate" *I like veggies and fruit... *Willing to try to be friends with everyone ---------- Honestly, I don't expect anyone to take the time to read this, but if you do, thank you =D You should talk to me, ahaha... (I'M GOING TO HAVE SOME CONCEITED RAMBLINGS NOW, EVEN THOUGH I'VE GOT OTHER THINGS THAT I SHOULD BE DOING) I'm me. That's really the first and last thing that you should know, but I'll say more ('cuz I'm so narcissistic...)--- I'm not your usual teenage girl who goes to the mall and "OMG! You, like, so, like, would NEVER guess the hott deal I got on these, like, TOTALLY adorable stilletos!"... If I ever do that, shoot me, please... I'm honest; if I say something that comes across as mean, I generally won't apologize because, no matter how rude it may seem, it's probably still true, atleast in my opinion (which I don't hold back; I'll say what I think and I don't care if you like it or not). I think that self-expression is the most amazing thing that a human can possess, and so I'm all for art, music, dance, photography, writing, or any other way that anybody wants to express their own personal views. Honestly, if somebody can't express theirselves or be atleast slightly intellectual, it's a waste of a mind and body. I think that people should care about what is happening around them, although it's ok to take a trip to your own little world every once in a while (that's why I'm big on meditation). I will always say what I think or tell you my opinion, but I will NEVER try to force any of my thoughts or beliefs on anybody around me; People have tried so often to change me that I know what it feels like to have somebody trying to preach to you or make you conform into what they think is "right" or "cool"--- it's an amazing thing to be different; a gift you may say. Embrace your individuality, please, because I have no desire to associate with a bunch of conforming clones... =P But back to me (conceited much?): I'm nice to people unless they give me a reason not to be. I trust people far too easily at first, but if someone were to do something to lose my trust, they'd have one hell of a time getting it back. I can be bitchy, and I'm extremely defensive of my family and friends. & I'm shy... usually... until you get to know me... then I never shut up... and do random stuff for no reason other than "just because"... =D ---------- If you've got any questions, just ask. I actually enjoy meeting new people(even though the paragraphs before probably made me seem like an evil, mean, bitchy person). Feel free to add me if you want to. =)

Credits top photo by SilentRhapsody

My Blog

Haven't done this in a long time. So these are my thoughts....

MY THOUGHTS ON: AUTHORITY and the RIGHT to EXPRESS YOURSELFI've noticed something (*gasp*! that doesn't happen everyday!). It's more than likely that most of you have noticed it too, but IDK.Almost al...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:59:00 GMT

I wrote an amusing song that has absolutely nothing to do with my life ^_^ seriously

*****I ONLY DEAL WITH YOU 'CUZ IT'S BETTER THAN BEING ALONE****** I say I love you we both kow it's not true but we'll put on a show so that everyone knows lies can be better than being alone-----* We...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 15:30:00 GMT

My IQ!!!! Fo shizzle!!!!!! Hahaha.... :P

Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:59:00 GMT

Take a look at this

How Randomly Cute Is Your Personality?Evil CuteYour personality proves to be an evil kind of random cute! Don't worry its a good thing... the gummy bears wont kill you... yet.How do you compare? Take ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:11:00 GMT

My Personality!!!!!!!

Advanced Global Personality Test Results" target="_blank">Extraversion |||||||||| 38%" target="_b...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:38:00 GMT

My Thoughts About LIES

Why do we lie? Does it help us to do it, no matter if it hurts somebody else? People lie to get their own ways and don't even consider the fact that their lies could be hurtful. We don't even realize ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 13:49:00 GMT

Im going to start something NEW.....

Well, I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and I've decided that I'm going to start posting a new blog fairly regularly. It'll be title "My Thoughts About-----" whatever I happen to feel l...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 18:54:00 GMT

i feel slightly poetic.....

WHITE FOREST   The frosty wind twirls about, The clumps of naked trees. Beggining to fall are flurries of snow, White as the froth of seas.   Above is all so overcast, As storm clouds begin ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 16:24:00 GMT