Current Band(s) you are a member of: The Brass Notes, Dale Thomas Orchestra, Johnnie Kaye Orchestra & Quad City Kix Orchestra
Instrument(s) you play: Drums, Piano
No. of years playing each: Drums, 33; Piano, 20
How Trained: Grade School, age 10, by Ray Terfler, 1967, Frances Willard School, Rock Island, IL
Bands/Orchestras you've been a member of: Was called to perform with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra on three occasions: July 11, 1996; Nov. 2, 1997 and October 20, 1998. Performed on the Guy Lombardo Band On The Road the first two weeks of August, 1993.
Who/What influenced you musically: Nobody, I guess I just took a love for wanting to play drums.
If you could be playing with any band/orchestra who would it be: Barry Manilow
Model/Make/year of instrument(s) you use: Slingerland (Buddy Rich Model)
Model/Make/year of instrument(s) you WISH you were using: None. It's the set I want.
Most humbling or embarrassing moment for you as a musician: When I couldn't remember a few words to a song when I was singing.
Worst Gig/Performance & why: Can't recall. Musicians, like anybody else, make mistakes, too. But, we cover them up in such a way that only we are the ones that know a mistake has been made.
Most memorable/enjoyable performance: July 11, 1996 with the Nelson Riddle Orchestra. The person who hired me handed me my check and said, "You made me proud."
Favorite musicians: The late Buddy Rich, Seals & Crofts and Barry Manilow
First record or CD you ever purchased: Buddy Rich, "Live at the Whiskey A Go-Go"
Name three CDs you would want to have if stranded on a deserted island:
1) The Best of Buddy Rich
2) Sgt. Peppers..., The Beatles
3) The Best of The Four Freshmen
Your current state of mind: satisfied
Number of siblings: 4
Number of family members who are musicians (parents/siblings): 0
Favorite food: Chinese
Greatest Fear: Being yelled at onstage
Do you like television? yes
How many hours/week do you watch TV? 16
How many hours a week do you rehearse? 20
Marital Status: single