my Boyfriend
Whats your names?: Shea
Whats their name?: Marvin
How long have you been together?: 5 years off and on
rate your relationship (1-10): 8
How did you two meet?: we met at church
How often did you see eachother in the beginning?: every wed. and sun.
Do you live together?: not yet. workin on it!
Do you fight often?: not recently! (knock on wood) lol
Have you met their parents?: yea
Do their parents like you?: they love me! :)
Do your like them?: yea
Are you in love?: hell yea
Has antyone ever told you that you belong together?: yea everyone
Are you in strong love?: yea were each other soul mate!
How long was it until you fell in love?: 4 months
How long was it before you fell in love?: 4 months
Do you have a song?: yea Dru Hill i love you! and One Chance Look At Her
Does he buy you flowers?: Yea
Are you friends with his friends?: Yea
What do you guys like to talk about?: i can talk to him bout anything
Did he ask you out?: yea
How many times?: its difficult!
Five words to describe him?: sexy, fun, sweet, mine and mine!
How much do you love him?: there will never be words to describe our love!
Would you say its a serious relationship?: yea
Have you told him all of your secrets?: yea
A little more....
Can you trust eachother?: for the most part but were workin on it!
Would he hit you: no! hes not like that
D you think its gonna last a while?: i kno it is!
Favorite thing about him?: everything
Did you like him when you first met?: yea
What drew you to him?: everything about him!
Whats his best feature?: eyes and lips
what would you do it he cheated on you?: beat the bitch down then beat him down!
Do you see this as long term?: yea
Have you kissed?
When was the first time you kissed?: umm... like 2 weeks after we started dating!
Where was your first kiss: at church
Are you guys more adventurous or romantic?: a lil both
Is he a good kisser?: hell yea
Do you kiss him everytime you see him?: yea
continuing on.....
Rate his kiss (1-10): 100
Rate his personality (1-10): 100
Is he cheap?: no not on wat he buys me
Has he ever bought you a piece of jewelry: yea
was it fake?: no
Is he immature: we all are a lil bit
Are you immature?: same as above
Does he have crazy ex-girlfriends?: one but imma get that bitch!
Are they jealous of your relationship?: yea
Do they try to ruin yours?: she has but she failed
How long do you think it will last?: forever i hope
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I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A Click here to make Falling Objects I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A I L O V E M Y N I G G A
Their name:: marvin
Their age:: 20
Their eye color:: hazel
Their hair color:: black
When did you start dating?: aug 02
What attracted you to this person?: everything
When is their birthday?: feb 18
What is their favorite color?: blue
What is their favorite food?: pizza
Are you in love with this person?: yea
Has this person ever given you flowers for no reason?: yea
What is your favorite memory with this person?: everything we do is a favorite memory
Where do you see this relationship going?: marriage
Do you want to marry this person?: yea
Have you had sex with this person?: yea
Does he/she make you happy?: yea
Does he/she make your heart race?: yea
Does he/she give you butterflies?: yea
Is he/she romantic?: yea
Are both of you happy together?: yea
Does he/she make you smile?: yea
Do you hold hands?: yea
Would you die for them?: yea
Do you both tell each other, "I love you?": yea
Who said I love you first?: he did!
Do you trust him/her?: kinda
Have you slept together (just cuddling)?: yea
Does he/she play with your hair?: yea
Do you dream about him/her?: yea
Could this person be replaced?: no never
What is better, holding or being held?: being held
Has this person made you cry?: yea
Have you ever had a fight?: yea
Did you make up?: yea
The Last...
Time you had a date:: today
Time you laughed together:: today
Time you talked on the phone:: bout 10 mins ago
Time you kissed:: bout 3 hours ago
Time you hugged:: same as above
Time you said I love you:: 10 mins ago
Time you had sex:: um.....
Time you watched a movie together:: today
Are you positive this is your one and only and you are his/hers?: yea
What's the one thing you want to do with this person?: marry him
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