Music,Drawing,StupidPeople,Stars,Purple,LavaLamps,Smoking,Dr inking,MyRatNena,T.V,SignLanguage,Boobies,Jesse'sPenis,Food, Chocholate,Movies.
Your Mom. Nice people. Friends. Uhm. Anyone who is Nice and have atleast Some things in Common with me.
DevilDriver,JackOffJill,Flogging Molly,Coal Chamber,Rob Zombie,APerfectCircle,CKY and stuff like that.
House of 1000 Corpses, Butterfly Effect, The Ring, Saw, Clockwork Orange, American Beauty, Yep like 'Em all.
Law&Order, Will&Grace, MadTV, i dont watch alot of t.v...i watch wrestling sometimes..
i read alot of books, i just dont have a favorit. i like kuma sutra =D
My Other Mom. 3