Anime(HUGE FAN),video games, cosplay, going to cons, taking pics at cons,learning to sew, having weird hair, learning about computers, playing hacky sack, japan, j-pop
Anyone that wants to talk IM luigiisonfire or just use this meebo box
Yoko Kanno
Green day
Story Of The Year
Five for Fighting
Yoko Ishida
3 doors down
Von Ray
Bonnie Pink
last samurai,napoleon dynamite,stargate,ghost in the shell,mobile suit gundam chars counter attack, cowboy bebop the movie, princess minitoko, sakura wars the moive, ninja scroll,ferris bueller's day off,the two neon genese evangelion movies, cube, james bond movies, rocky movies, pecker, saw, jacket, hero, slums of beverly hills, matrix movies, constintine
non anime: The simpsons King of the Hill Family Guy Aqua Teen Hunger Force Mission Hill, Home Movies Futurama best week ever Scrubs Amazing Race I have so many anime shows that I love to watch I couldnt list them all here are only a few GUNDAM SHOWS! Kenshin Love Hina Cowboy Bebop FMA Inuyasha GITS SOC S cry ed
MANGA Orxy and Crake 1984 Lord of the Flies Enders Game
Video Games: FF Bation Katios Mario Kart Mario DDR Super Smash Bros Animal Crossing(Both of Them) ALL ZELDA GAMES Lost Kindoms Soul Calibur 2 and many more