Kellie Renee profile picture

Kellie Renee

Landen James Has Arrived!!!

About Me

Welcome To My Site!
If you're reading this, I'd like to first
thank you for stopping by to check out my site.
Sorry if it took a while to load, I like to
add many things to my page as I really enjoy
making graphics and showing them off. hehehe
I put alot of time, energy, effort and heart
into making my site look the way it does, so
please don't complain if it takes a while to
load, just give it a min and it'll be fine.
I love making new friends here but just know that
I'm pretty picky in who I let put me on their list.
I keep alot of my picture albums only available to
friends, which is why I am picky about who I will
allow onto my friends list. I have two children
and worry about someone stealing their pics, as
well as my own, although all of my pics have my
myspace address on them, I still have my worries.
Moving on.. I always check out a persons
site before accepting their request and if
you appear to be a real person, like a person
I could chat with, get along with, maybe have
something in common with, etc. I will gladly
accept your request... If a profile seems fake
in any way, if there is no real info about who
you are, what you like, or you have only one or
no pic at all, etc. I will deny your request.
I will also deny your request if your profile is
set to private. If I can't read about who you
are, or check out the type of person you are,
then I can not trust you to look at my pics.
If you do have your profile set to private and
would like to add me, please send me a message
first, and I'll gladly accept your request.
If you're still reading this, Thank you!
(o: ..Now onto the good stuff.. :o)
My profile is filled with alot of info
about myself, my life both past and present,
my kids, my family, my friends, things I like,
things I dislike, things I support, things I
don't support, etc. If you're willing to take
the time out of your day, by all means, feel
free to scroll down and learn more about ME.
On an ending note:
If you request to be my friend I will expect
to get a message, comment, pic comment, etc.
Please, stop in to say Hi once in a while.
I do a review of my friends list about 2-3
times a month, and will delete people who
don't communicate with me... :o(
Thanks again for checking out my site.
Add me to your list if you would like to
chat with me sometime, if not, thanks for
stopping by, check back anytime!!
Good day, Good evening and Good night!
Always, Take care & Stay safe! *hugs*
~Kellie Renee~
Leave Me A Comment Here:
Type Your Comment Here... Thanks! *hugs*
Quote by Kellie Renee:
"Time seems to go by so slowly when
you're in the moment, but when you
look back on your life, it always
seems to have gone by so fast"
My Favorite Quote:
"There comes a point in your life when you
realize who matters, who never did, who wont
anymore and who always will. So don't worry
about people from your past, there's a reason
why they didn't end up in your future.
I Use My Smile To Distract You From My Tears.
I Use My Laughter To Drown Out The Sound Of My Crys.
I Wont Let You See Me In Pain.. So Cover Your Eyes!
Author: Kellie Renee

-*-*-*- Latest News -*-*-*-
I met a great guy here on myspace and I'm
really hoping things work out. He's got soo
many great qualities, and we have so much
in common. I look forward to spending more
and more time with him. *smile*
Together since April 19th 2008
Landen is One Year Old!!
-Lost Belly Button Stub: May 22nd-
-Discovered His Hands: August 24th-
-Rolled Over Completely: September 14th-
-Discovered His Feet: September 20th-
-Got His First Tooth: November 2nd-
-Sat Up On His Own: November 4th-
-Got His Second Tooth: Dec 5th-
-Started Crawling: Dec 9th-
-Got His Third Tooth: Dec 10th-
-Pulled Himself Up To Stand: Dec 11th-
-Got His Fourth Tooth: Dec 23rd-
-Got His Fifth Tooth: Jan 11th-
-Started Clapping Hands: Jan 20th-
-Ate a Whole Hamburger: Mar 6th-
-Took His First Steps: Mar 9th-
-Got His Sixth Tooth: April 7th-
-Got His Seventh Tooth: April 9th-
-Got His Eighth Tooth: May 7th-
-Got His Ninth Tooth: May 11th-
-*-*-*- About Me -*-*-*-
About Me:
My name is Kellie Renee, I'm 28 years old.
I'm a Single Mother of Two Wonderful Kids.
I have a 5 Year Old Little Girl who's name
is Keira Leann, Born: December 16th 2002.
And a One Year Old Little Boy who's name
is Landen James, Born: May 9th 2007.
My kids father and I were together for 4 yrs
but things didn't work out so my daughter and
I moved from AZ to MN to live with my parents.
I was 1 month pregnant with our second child.
Yes, I am Bi-Sexual and Not Ashamed of
that so please leave your hate or comments
to yourself cause they mean nothing to me!!
Just because I am Bi doesn't mean I like to
have both at the same time, I like being in
only ONE relationship at a time and I'm very
faithful to the person I am with.
My daughter and I moved from Arizona to Minnesota
in late August '06, after my Fiance broke up with me.
I was One Month Prego with our Son at the time!
I used to cry over it and think it was the end
of my world, but it actually started my life in
a new and better direction and I haven't been
this happy in the longest time.
My Kids and I are currently living with my Boyfriend
Jeremy, who lives in Northern Minnesota. He has 6 acres
of land so there's alot of space for the kids to run
around. It's so beautiful out here and there's so much
you can do when living in the country. There is never
a dull day, which is why we love it so much. It's also
nice being in the same state as my family because we're
able to see them atleast every other weekend.
My kids Father is still involved in their lives,
but since he's still living in AZ, he only visits
two or three times a year. Not very often at all!!
But I'm ok with that, it just really sucks for my
kids having to grow up not really getting to spend
alot of time with their Father. But I can't make
him want to be a better Dad, that's his choice
and he'll have to live with that..
I'm currently dating a wonderful man who treats
me and my kids very well.. He's everything I've
been looking for in a life long partner, I just
hope he's willing to stick around for that long.
"Can I Keep You?"

My Favorite Quote:
"If he can't handle me at my worst,
then he doesn't deserve me at my best.
Being happy doesn't mean every thing's
perfect. It means you've decided to
see beyond the imperfections."

-*-*-*- My Daughter -*-*-*-
My Daughter:
Birth Info...
Date: 16 Dec 2002 - Time: 5:41 pm
Weight: 6lbs 8oz - Height: 18.5 in
Head Size: 13.5 in
I have a 5 year old daughter.
Her name is Keira Leann, She was
born on December 16th 2002.
She just started Kindergarten this year
and she's doing pretty well so far. :o)
She is my sanity, thought there are
times she drives me completely crazy.
She always has a way of putting a smile
on my face, she knows when I need a hug
or a kiss and she's what keeps me sain.
I know my life just wouldn't be the same
if I didn't have her in my life..
I've always wanted to be a Mom ever
since I was a little girl, so she has
been my "Dream Come True!"

-*-*-*- My Son -*-*-*-
My Son:
Birth Info...
Date: 9 May 2007 - Time: 1:38 pm
Weight: 7lbs 4oz - Height: 20.5 in
Head Size: 14.5 in
My other pride and joy, My boy. His name is
Landen James, he was born on May 9th 2007.
He's the light of my life and the reason I
smile so much each and every day. I thought
my life was complete when I had my daughter
but then this little man came into my life
and he's been the second best thing that has
ever happened in my life.. I'm so thankful
and greatful to have two beautiful kids..
I have to say being a Mother is one of the
greatest gifts in life! With all the pain and
hurt I felt with the breakup between my Fiance
and I, my kids have brought so much Happiness and
Joy into my life. I'm so grateful to have them!

-*-*-*- More About Me -*-*-*-
More About Me:
Born in South Dakota
I was born at the Ellsworth Air force Base
Hospital in South Dakota.. Air force Baby!
My parents moved from there when I was only
8 months old, so I don't remember much about
living there, but I love going back to visit.
To Minnesota
I spent most of my life living with my Parents in MN.
In the Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park Areas
Went to Elementary, Jr High and High School in MN
To Colorado
I spent almost a Year of my life from the age of 18-19
living in Colorado. Which was an amazing experience!!
I miss living in Colorado, The Views, The Mountains!!
It's soo amazing.. Beyond Any Explanation!!
Back To Minnesota
I moved back to Minnesota after living in CO.
During this time I met Nick, got pregnant, we
broke up, then he moved away when I was five
months pregnant with our daughter..
To Georgia
My Ex Nick and I started chatting again when our
daughter Keira was 10 months old. Keira and I then
moved to Georgia in Nov 2003. Where Nick was living.
Nick proposed to me on February 14th 2004.
To Arizona
Nick, Keira and Myself moved to Phoenix, AZ
in Feb 2005. To be closer to Nick's Family,
and Friends. Unfortunately things didn't work
out between Nick and I. So in Aug 2006, Keira
and I moved back to Minnesota. I was one month
pregnant with our second child at that time.
Hard to believe it's almost been
two years since we left already!
Currently Minnesota
I just can't seem to stay away from MN,
This will be my 3rd time moving back..
I moved back in with my parents when I came back
from living in Arizona. Thankfully my parents were
supportive and helpful and didn't have a problem
with me, my kids and my 3 cats moving in with them.
I appreciated that so much. Love my parents
with all my heart. They're the Best!!!
Still Here: Minnesota
Just changed locations a lil.. My kids and I are
currently living with my Boyfriend in Northern MN.
It's just a little further north then my parents,
but we're only an hour away, which is so nice.
We haven't officially moved in but we stay here
pretty much 24-7, just haven't brought all of our
things over yet.. Still gotta move things around
to make room for all of our stuff.
-My Travel Map-
-*-*-*- My Family -*-*-*-
My Family:
Mom and Dad
Marilyn and Jim
Married for 35+ Years
My Brother: Mark
He is Single with No kids
But has a dog named Falco
My Sister: Teresa
She is Married with 5 Kids
Kids Ages: 15, 10, 5, 2, 1
R.I.P. Charlotte and Roger
-*-*- Support Our Troops -*-*-
I Support Our Troops!!
Lets Help Bring Them All Home Safe!
Fibro Awareness:
Something I live with on a Daily Basis
My Nicknames:
-*- Given To Me By My BFF Lisa -*-
-*- Mostly Used By My Parents -*-
-*- Given To Me By My Buddy Dennis -*-

My Interests









Outdoors: Camping,
Boating, Zoos, Walks.
Animals: Cats, Dogs,
Birds, Monkeys, Pigs.
Internet: Web Site Design,
Graphic Arts, Chatting on
Y! Msngr & Myspace IM,
PSP7, Anim Shop.


I Support the Men and Women who have surved, or are surving our country.

I appreciate all your time and effort put into making our world a better place.

Thank you soo much!!


I Love Shopping!!


I Love to Blog!!


I Love Animals!!


Proud Mommy!!


I Love Food!!



My Zodiac Sign:


Not Confused!!



Happy Pills


I'd like to meet:

-*-*-*- Who I'd Like to Meet -*-*-*-

Please Read Below:

Other Mother's around My Age with
Kids around my Daughter or Son's Ages.

People who don't Judge other's or think
that they are better then anyone else!!

People who accept others no matter their
Race, Gender, or Sexual Preference..

People who have Values and Morals!

People who are Patient and don't flip out
if they don't hear back from me right away!
I do have a life outside of the internet, as
well as two beautiful kids to take care of,
and a boyfriend who I love to spend time with.
So I sometimes tend to forget to reply back.
Be patient with me and it's all good!!

People in my area who I can hang out with.
I just moved to Zim to live with my boyfriend,
so we'd both love to meet great people who we
could have a good time with.

People I can chat with on Yahoo Messenger.
My Yahoo Name is: Heart_N_Soul_88 or my new
one is: KellieRenee88.. I'm also on Myspace
IM alot, under the name: Kellie88

For the most part, I'm mainly looking for
some good friends, weither they're online
or in person, I'm open to them both!!

Good Advise:

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

~Contact Me~

AOL: KellieO18 (Capital O)

Yahoo 1: Heart_N_Soul_88

Yahoo 2: KellieRenee88

Myspace IM: Kellie88

~I Support~
-Same Sex Marriage-

~None Smoker~
-Life's To Short, Why Make It Shorter?-

~Join My Groups~

Do you Support Transgenders??
Please Join this Myspace Group!!

~Click the Banner to visit the Group Site~

Or Copy and Paste this link:


If you are Bi-Sexual or Bi-Curious.
Please Join this Myspace Group!!

~Click the Banner and Visit the Group Site~

Or Copy and Paste this link:


If you're a Mommy or Daddy of a young child
or a women that's prego or trying to conceive,
Please Join this Myspace Group!!

~Click the Banner to visit the Group Site~

Or Copy and Paste this link:

Layout made by:


R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop,
Soft Rock, Country,
Oldies, 80's.


Horror, Drama,
Funny, Stupid Humor,

Some of my Favs:
Labyrinth, Legend,
Neverending Story,
Space Balls, Willow,
The Dark Crystal, The
Ewok Adventure, Ewok's
The Battle for Endor,
Hocus Pocus, Mad Love,
Now & Then, Tank Girl,
Ace Ventura, Surf Ninjas,
Peter Pan, Hook, Ice Age,
Mary Shelleys: Frankenstein.

My Favorite Actor:

Christian Slater


I love Jim Henson Movies.
I Love The Muppets!!

~The Dark Crystal~







Reality Shows, Drama,
Comedy, Stupid humor.

The Real World on MTV, Law & Order SVU, Heroes, The Dead Zone, The 4400, Reba, Grounded For Life, Still Shanding, King of Queens, Charmed, Ghost Whisperer, Samanta Who?, Survivor, American Idol.





My Parents:

They've been my support
through many hard times
I've had in my life.
I'm not sure I would have
had the strength to make
it through without them!

I love you both so much!


My Mema and Papa!!
I will always love them!!
They are very Missed!!

My Mema & Papa



In this pic she's
holding my daughter
Keira when she was
only 5 days old.

Charlotte Goneau
May 29th 1924 -
Dec 22nd 2003



Roger Goneau
March 29th 1928 -
June 19th 2005

My Blog

- Update: Venting -

Needing to vent a little...I don't get many messages or comments these days, I know most of it is probably because I'm not online as often as I used to be. Unfortunetly since we only have dial up, I c...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:30:00 PST

- Life is So Wonderful -

Hello all,So since it's been a while since my last blog I thought I'd pop in and post a little somethin.. Just hoping Jeremy's computer doesn't shut down like it's been doing when you're online.. *cro...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:55:00 PST

-*- Girls vs Women -*-

Girls Vs. Women-Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.-Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits in.-Girls want to contr...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:05:00 PST

~ E.R. Visit = Gall Bladder Surgery ~

Posted on Monday January 14th 2008 I can't type much cause I have to get ready, but last night my parents had to rush me into the Emergency Room.I started having really sharp pains in my chest all aro...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 01:45:00 PST

~ Did You Know? - Interesting Facts ~

DID YOU KNOW? Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little"stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:16:00 PST

~ Ill Be Gone To The Cities ~

Hey Ya'll, Just wanted to post something quick.. My parents, myself and my kids are heading to the Cities tomorrow because my Dad has a Doctor's Appointment to go to on the 14th, since it takes 3...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:18:00 PST

~*~ Relationship Advice ~*~

This is Great words of wisdum...Only wish I had read this while I wasin my last relationship, would havesaved me from alot of Heartbreak!!---------------------------------------------If a man wants yo...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:27:00 PST

~ Friends with Signs ~ (All Friends Please Read)

Hello my friends,Sooo, I've been wonding around Myspace and I've seen a few people who have albums with their friend's holding signs saying "I love (their name)" Sooo I thought why not post a message ...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:58:00 PST

~ Maybe... (inspiring words) ~

MAYBE...Maybe ... we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.Maybe ... when th...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:06:00 PST

~ Bridge Collapses in Mpls, MN ~

At least seven people were killed when an interstate bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsed Wednesday evening, in what the governor called a "catastrophe of historic proportions." Mark Lacroix p...
Posted by Kellie Renee on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:48:00 PST