Sometimes I think it might be better to lie. Like to dying people- and children. I read my horoscope daily.I believe in karma.Naked Juice and VONS water is where its at. Sometimes I want to quit-everything. I love my friends. I love laughing. A Lot.
You know who you are.
The good kind. You know the rump shakin', love makin',chill out,rock out,feel good,feel bad,down time,slow time,good kind. Pretty much any and all. Almost. -blink 182 -My Chemical Romance -The Used -The Ramones -panic! -FOB -Mazzy Starr -the stars -dresden dolls -paramore -augustana -fiona apple -motion city soundtrack -angels and airwaves -say anything -postal service -the shins -jt -the ditty bops -rilo kylie -eminem -tom petty -yeah yeah yeahs -social d -jimmy eat world -ratatatat -mea -dashboard -it could go on forever-
The funny kind. And the kind you have to think about.Mostly funny ones.Almost any movie I have ever seen, except You've Got Mail. snatch,poolhall junkies,clay pigeons,kiss kiss bang bang, closer,kinky boots, sin city,return to oz, the brave little toaster,garden state,ferris bueler's day off, drop dead fred,10 things I hate about you,titanic, sound of music, mary popins, Most disney, boondock saints,fight club, the last kiss,back to the future,parts I, II and III
Specifically: Scrubs,aressted development,(this show made Fox worthy of a network), E.R., Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Trippn', Anthony Bourdain, Jimmy Neutron, Foster's Home for Imainary Friends, CSI, Lost, Laguna Beach, The Hills, Discovery Health Channel
Yeah, I read. Farenheit 451, The Lovely Bones
Captin Planet and his hoards of conservative hippie folowers.Julie Andrews.