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It's not always what you look at that matters,but what you see.

About Me

Adjectives... Sometimes I think this cycle never ends, we slide from top to bottom then we turn and climb again. I often use song quotes to discribe myself. Dancing-it's an appendage. You know,like a part of me. I try to avoid doing things I don't see the point in. Ex.Making my bed, putting clothes away, raking, showering... I'm easily distracted,very easily distracted. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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My Interests

Sometimes I think it might be better to lie. Like to dying people- and children. I read my horoscope daily.I believe in karma.Naked Juice and VONS water is where its at. Sometimes I want to quit-everything. I love my friends. I love laughing. A Lot.

I'd like to meet:

You know who you are.


The good kind. You know the rump shakin', love makin',chill out,rock out,feel good,feel bad,down time,slow time,good kind. Pretty much any and all. Almost. -blink 182 -My Chemical Romance -The Used -The Ramones -panic! -FOB -Mazzy Starr -the stars -dresden dolls -paramore -augustana -fiona apple -motion city soundtrack -angels and airwaves -say anything -postal service -the shins -jt -the ditty bops -rilo kylie -eminem -tom petty -yeah yeah yeahs -social d -jimmy eat world -ratatatat -mea -dashboard -it could go on forever-


The funny kind. And the kind you have to think about.Mostly funny ones.Almost any movie I have ever seen, except You've Got Mail. snatch,poolhall junkies,clay pigeons,kiss kiss bang bang, closer,kinky boots, sin city,return to oz, the brave little toaster,garden state,ferris bueler's day off, drop dead fred,10 things I hate about you,titanic, sound of music, mary popins, Most disney, boondock saints,fight club, the last kiss,back to the future,parts I, II and III


Specifically: Scrubs,aressted development,(this show made Fox worthy of a network), E.R., Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Trippn', Anthony Bourdain, Jimmy Neutron, Foster's Home for Imainary Friends, CSI, Lost, Laguna Beach, The Hills, Discovery Health Channel


Yeah, I read. Farenheit 451, The Lovely Bones


Captin Planet and his hoards of conservative hippie folowers.Julie Andrews.

My Blog

sorry for whining...

I am so tired of being disappointed.  this whole senior year. softball. whining. ok. i'm over it now. had to get that out.
Posted by aYe on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:57:00 PST

sad realization

Have you ever looked at someone and relized that you don't know them anymore.It's sad. It's wierd when you "know" someone for so long, but see them and only know the old stuff about them. Like you sto...
Posted by aYe on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST

funny things said...

Thes are real-life quotes that make me giggle.  Feel free to add your own. "We should make a short-film about this" "We talk a lot about things we should do" "You fucked me on a sink" "She smoked...
Posted by aYe on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:18:00 PST

It hurts

A real hurting. Or mabey it's a void. I don't think it is because in order to feel void you would have felt filled. I'll call it void. I missed out on something. I couldn't have disagreed because what...
Posted by aYe on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:27:00 PST

Mush, Squish, Push

I feel like left-overs. The second-rate meal. What one settles on after pondering the open refrigerator for such a length of time that it starts running to cool it's self off. Like I'm filling a void....
Posted by aYe on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:33:00 PST

I think I've lost all sense of reality...

Carter's House? Anyone heard of it? For the sake of all things holy I hope this show ends soon.. What the hell has happened to the world? Why do rich, white, untalented, pieces of shite get shows abou...
Posted by aYe on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 04:07:00 PST

mindlessly alone

Solitare is such a mindless game. I haven't felt mindless in a while, then I played a game of solitare. Unlike most people on the planet, I acctually know how to deal a game for myself,however I playe...
Posted by aYe on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:36:00 PST

If this is how it's going to be...I'm out

If you have a weak stomach (Ulcers, indigestion etc..) or congestive heart failure, then please do not read any further. Tonight I expierienced not one but two, count um, two more than horrifying expi...
Posted by aYe on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:47:00 PST

nevers and mabeys

nobody loves me. it sad. but it's true. nobody loves me. but i love you. i love you suddenly. and i love you fast. i love you when im sleeping. and i love you when i laugh. nobody loves my smile. and ...
Posted by aYe on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:12:00 PST


say those things within make me move make me scream make me live. i want to dance and breath and live i want you to make me and me make you i want you to want me to make you i would never break you. ...
Posted by aYe on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:24:00 PST