behavioural studies: experiencing... you: being naughty n nice: music: working with clever creatives n makin cool shit happen: documenting my life with pictures: my sexy black ricoh GR: 24/7 fun n chillin: century gothic font: air force 1's: fashion of course: spheres and the perpetual continuity of the circle: dancing: peeps who can dance and put a smile on my dial: laughing my ass off: cooking for and eating with my friends: my family: reciting the alphabet backwards - really fassst!:::::::::::::Indra rocks!
Nike AF1 25th Anniv Party 19.03.07::LUCHAJON IS THE GREATEST... PANTS WEARER!:::: :::: '07 ::Amsterdam parties n other Spring mischief::Queens Night Eve: Ballroom Blitz BitterzoetQueens Day @ BEP... one fly part of one big day
Releases from 1972, soul, original electro, funk, lotsa hip hop, some bad ass rap, Blondie n random funny shit:: ... J5 gig: Paradiso '06
FASHION DESIGNERS/ LABELS........................... Kim Jones, Eley Kishimoto, Balenciaga, Bernard Wilhelm, APC, Chloe, Martin Margiela, Cheap Monday, Vivienne Westwood, Hysteric Glamour, Mc Queen, Jasper Dowding, Silas, Walter van Bierendonck, Comme des Garcons, PPQ, Stella, Bless, Bathing Ape, Miu Miu, Viktor & Rolf, And beyond.., Marc Jacobs, Glitter & Twisted, Yamamoto, Costume National... etc urrgh! too many favourites to list...__________________________________::::
:The biography of Nancy Spungen :South of the Border West of the Sun :Faithfull :Freud and Man's Soul :The Dirt :Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing::
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