a lot of drinking. lot of smoking, lot of pc gamming, composing(not a lot i only do it when i have something to say), but i play a lot of guitar, hungin with my mates and several other things... zs1XVRxPjw"
uncle jack!!! some mortal people mostly guitarists that i respect, also i wish that i was born in ancient times or times that only exist in books today so i could have the chanse to meet for exampe a viking warrior or a dwarf king or even odin or zeus, the other people i would like to meet are dead so maybe i will meet them one day
what ever pleases my ears and soul ;) but i seem to prefer Hard rock southern,stoner and some heavy metal shit(especially scadianavian and usa)that's all :D
Konan the barbarian 1&2, Kalindor the gladiator Highlander 1&2, Merlin, The night of the samurai 1,2&3, friday the 13(the first one only), Night of the leaving dead 1&2, psycho, Terminator 1&2, The commando, Total recall, Eraser Stigmata, the butterfly effect, American history x, Dark water, the 7 samurai, Ata me(watch me), Lord of the rings, Kill bill 1&2, and many aother movies from the 80's and 90's mostly splatter or epic movies.i also liked "Noting hill"(sss don't tell that loudly)
i watch a lot of tv when i am at home but i dont have any particular taste, i like the news mostly
the Hobbit, Lord of te ring, the gilli farmer and all of J.R.R. Tolkien books, R.A. Salavatore's books, Books for paganism and scadinavian mythology, Greek mythology, Homer's odysey and heliad, Ancient Greek writings and a few others but i don't read books often...