~Salsa....Salsa~ profile picture


Stay Classy Iraq

About Me

I am Madison and that is all the CIA will let me tell you. Damn...I have already said too much. retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

Working working working, school online, working out at the MWR, eating, sleeping, knitting,taking pictures, and did I forget to mention sleeping?

I'd like to meet:

Anderson Cooper, Nicole Richie, Conan O' Brian, Ellen, HELLO!!! My Lord and Savior!! DUH!!


Of course it's still Panic! Fall Out Boy, The Fray, Postal Service. But my new fav. song that is always on repeat is Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2...Kinda ironic...I know


300 is my fav. right now since that is the last thing I saw in the states.


THE OFFICE!!!!!!!!! I love that show. I watched it in the states and I watch it here. Dan downloads new episodes over here so I have not missed one yet.The only stations I get over here are lame. So the only shows I watch is reruns of Judge Judy, Law and Order SVU, The View, Amazing Race,The Office and CNN


The Secret


All the women and a few men who fought for womens suffrage.

My Blog

Good Cry...

So I had a good cry last night. I have been really sad that I am not with certain people in the states. I miss my dog like crazy. Dan and I are afraid that he has forgotten about us. I really miss hom...
Posted by ~Salsa....Salsa~ on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:21:00 PST

You know your in Iraq when...(This is completely true)

# When mortars land near your compound and you roll over in bed and think "still way off, I got another 5 minutes" # When you start humming with the Arabic song playing on the radio on the shuttle bu...
Posted by ~Salsa....Salsa~ on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:26:00 PST

Shafter girl....

It's so weird to think that about a year ago I was in Bakersfield California. Living the life of a true Cali girl. Who would have thought that I would touch almost every continent excluding the artic ...
Posted by ~Salsa....Salsa~ on Thu, 10 May 2007 04:29:00 PST


I really miss my dog..... a lot. Dan and I were looking at pictures of him last night when I was scrapbooking. I know we will get him back when we get home. Dan's parents have him. Will he remember us...
Posted by ~Salsa....Salsa~ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:18:00 PST


I fly to Iraq on Wednesday! HOLLA! I will be posting my own website with blogs and home videos and stuff so look out for that.
Posted by ~Salsa....Salsa~ on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST