Working working working, school online, working out at the MWR, eating, sleeping, knitting,taking pictures, and did I forget to mention sleeping?
Anderson Cooper, Nicole Richie, Conan O' Brian, Ellen, HELLO!!! My Lord and Savior!! DUH!!
Of course it's still Panic! Fall Out Boy, The Fray, Postal Service. But my new fav. song that is always on repeat is Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2...Kinda ironic...I know
300 is my fav. right now since that is the last thing I saw in the states.
THE OFFICE!!!!!!!!! I love that show. I watched it in the states and I watch it here. Dan downloads new episodes over here so I have not missed one yet.The only stations I get over here are lame. So the only shows I watch is reruns of Judge Judy, Law and Order SVU, The View, Amazing Race,The Office and CNN
The Secret
All the women and a few men who fought for womens suffrage.