basketball--knowledge--listening to music. discussing spirituality
my dad's agent's roommate who knew phil collins. billy graham tripping on acid. Pat Robertson after beheading a couple hundred people with a different faith. jesus. and Walter sobcheck
anything that vibrates the truth of the universe.
whats that?
for knowlege forfun especially the books that breed fundamentalism and encite violence throughout the world. Dr. Seuss
The J.O.E. Johnny C. that one crazy dusty kid. logan dean. GK3D. Tom Wolfe. ken kesey. billy graham. and da motherfucking Outkast. my father, when I knew him, was passionite caring and great, except when he didn't have his 10 cups of coffee, he was a fucking asshole. Oh ya Michael Jordan. And that guy on steroids at the gym who chews gum like a rabid dog. The Crack dealer on 22nd and Paseo. jeff gordon. anyone that can lift over 50 pounds. and last but not least Johnny Depp-shirtless or course