architecture , design , photography , my bicycle , biking , coffee , coffeeshops , radicals , good karma , the social sciences , moving forward , international travel , free wireless internet , file-sharing , google earth , sudoku , this american life, marimekko anything.
air, aphex twin, the microphones, broadcast, the clash, junior boys, hot chip, pan sonic, autechre, sigur ros, richard davis, camera obscura, magnetic fields
a man escaped, the 400 blows, i heart huckabees, playtime, wag the dog, ma vie en rose, vivre sa vie, me and you and everyone we know, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
turn it off
informal (balmond) the death and life of great american cities (jane jacobs) civilization and it's discontents (freud) one-dimentional man (marcuse) notes from underground (dotstoevsky), "choose your own adventure" anything