About Me
Global Capital Investments:
Optimize your credit to enhance your future…??? Looking to Make $30K today and 10% in 1 year…??
How it works:
The process is actually quite simple. You invest your credit (680 fico minimum is required) in a real
estate project with us. We give you $30,000 at the close of escrow. We hold the property for a period
of 12 to 24 months. Once the real estate property is sold, you receive 10.0% of the equity position in
the properties. This is in addition to the $30,000 you receive at the beginning of the transaction.
This is a great way for those of us not wanting to come out of pocket with large sums of cash, but still
want the benefits associated with real estate income, and of course have better than average credit.
If your looking for a way to earn money investing your credit and making 10% guaranteed, plus
$30,000 up front, this is a great option. Call us to find out how to get involved in getting your credit
working for you!
• If you have excellent credit score, you
may qualify to “partner†with us.
• We give you $30,000 at the closing of
each successful transaction. You give us
• We buy real estate to sell it in 12
months and at that time we pay you ten
percent (10%) more than
what we paid for the property with
• We study the trend of real estate by
watching closely government statistics
related to population growth,
demographics and employment.
• We find “good buys†in the most rapid
growing communities.
• We find the best rates for our loans
and to do that we need to have partners
with great scores (you).
• We purchase in partnership with you
and title the property IN YOUR NAME.
• We PAY, one year of mortgage
payments from our money. We lease the
property back from you for the amount
of the mortgage payments.
• We sell the property approximately in
12 months.
You do Nothing but Collect your Money !!! We take care of Everything Else.
Go to our website www.GCILV.com
Who would ever let me operate any type of moving vehicle!
Tyrst @ the Wynn
Inside JET on New Years Eve
Happy New Year 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure 01-24-2007 Lingna and Sophie's Birthday Bash @ PURE
Sophie,Me, Christina,Lingna, and Liberty
Scottie Pippen was there too!
Let's party like a Rock Star!
Happy OLD PERSON day Sally!!!! Party @ Light inside the Belliagio!