About Me
"; Myspace Contact Tables“Greatness is defined by ones ability to successfully move through adversity, with loveâ€DANCE AND DIET. I am an artist. I began my professional studies in music age ten. As a graduate of New York City’s famed LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts, I relocated to Washington, D.C. to attend Howard University. I discovered African dance and became member of the internationally renown Kankouran West African Dance Company and remain one of the few original members who perform with this legendary group. I began my journey towards a more healthy lifestyle at age 16 when I discovered an abnormal growth in my chest and painful menstral cycles. I received two books from a dear friend: .."Survival Into the 21st Century.." by Viktoras Kulvinskas and .."The Autobiography of a Yogi..", by Paramahansa Yogananda---and my life has never been the same! My blessings have continued 100 fold and I would like to thank and acknowledge everyone that has been in my life (yes, everyone!). You are making my journey an unforgetable experience! HERE ARE A FEW NOTABLES: My Heavenly Father, My Grandpa, My Dad and Mom, My Daughter, my sisters, Babaji, Hazarat Inyat Kahn, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ammachi, Carlos Casteneda, David .."Avacado.." Wolfe, Aris Latham, Truth Calkins, Queen Afua, Neale Donald Walsch, Ms. Gaines, Dr. Sebi, Hilton Hotema, David Hawkins, Bikram Yoga and, my close friends and, of course, YOU. Please feel free to correspond. ..";