Make Love Letters at MySpaceLayouts.org
LYK3 2 M33T
MySpaceLayouts.org N3W P3OPL3 NOT R3ALLY ANYON3 POPULAR........
wEbBIe/bOoSii3/pReTtY rIcKy/OmArIoN!!
nApOlEn DyNaMiTe/cOlOr PuRpLe/bElOvEd!!!!
Make Grunge Hearts at MySpaceLayouts.org
LiFeTiMe/bEt/dIsCoVeRY hEaLtH cHaNnEl.....nAw DaTs WhUsS uP!!!
About yourself-
About yourself
First name-: K3LLY
Middle Name-: JITRiiC3
last Name-: CART3R
age-: 16
sex-: F3MAL3
birthday-: APR!L 17,1991
eye color-: LiiGHT BR00WN
height-: 5''5
weight-: 164 (TH!CK)
hair color-: BL0ND3 AND BLACK
What is your Faveorite-
color-: BLU3
drink-: DR.P3PP3R Y00U KN00W
Food-: PiiZZA
Day of the week-: FRiiDAY
holiday-: CHRiiSMAS
This or that
friday or monday: FRiiDAY L00SS3N UP DAY!!!!!
coke or sprite: SPRiiT3..BUT R3F3R DR.P3PP3R
Rock or Metal: R00CK
Screamo or emo: SCR3AM00
Hardcore or Rap: RAP
Black or Red: R3D...BL00D
Purple or Red: PRUPL3
Halloween or Thanksgiving: THANKSGiiViiNG
Christmas or Easter: CHRiiSTMAS
Light or dark: LiiGHT
Punk or Emo: PUNK
Goth or Punk: PUNK
Emo or Prepp: PR3PP
Pen or Penicls?: P3NS
talking or silence: TALKiiNG
kissing or making out?: KiiSSiiNG
hugs or kiss: KiiSS
fuck or love: L00V3
Boy or Girl: GiiRL
Your Clothing Style
What do people useually call you/prep...jock...goth...emo...Or what-: PUT 2 G3THA MiiH 00WN
Do you where at least 1 black thing everyday?: Y3AH
Do you like to were your Belt backwards?: N0
Is your bookbag a werid color or checkerd board?: D00N'T W3AR N00N3 00LD SK00L.........
do you where skatebording shoes or flats?: ii R00CK MiiH G3DDY W3DDii3'SA.K.A G-NiiK3S
Do people call you emo?: N0
Is your hair a natural color?: N00 BL00ND3 AN BLACK
What is your everyday outfit-: P0L0 AND J3ANS
do you perfer tight,loose clothes?: TiiGHT....L00L
Short or long hair?: L00NG HAiiR
do you where alot of lipstick or lip gloss?: NAWW CARM3X
is your makeup dark or evil looking?: ii NATURAL BABY......
Blue jeans or skirts?: SKiiRT
Baggy Jeans, or tight pants?: TiiGHT PANTS
are you taken?: N00
do you love someone?: Y3AH MiiH M00MA AN G0D
dark eyes, or light eyes?: LiiGHT 3Y3S
have you ever been kissed?: W3LL DUH....
are you a virgin: S3X TAK3 A D33P BR3ATH AN THiNK B3F0R Y0U L3T iT G0
do you like to make out?: Y3AH......BUT N00T WiiT 3V3RYB00DI
Do you have any nicknames?: TWiiN----R3D-----MS.CLUSiiV3
Does your , bf or gf ever fuss about your other friends?: Y3AH...WH3N ii HAD 00N3
ever been in a fist fight?: Y3AH WH00P THAT TRiiCK
ever come close to being in a fist fight?: YAP..AN ALWAYS FiiNiiSH iiT.....
have you ever beat the hell out of someone?: Y3AH PL3NTY 0F T!M3S
do you enjoy violence?: N00 N00T R3ALLY....BUT iiF ii HAV3 2.......
do you like seeing people fight?: S00M3 TYM3S iiT D3P3NDS.........
has anyone ever threaten you beat you up?: 2 MUCH 2 00N3
have you ever seen a fight and if so...who was it ?: 2 MANY....L00L
What would happen if you got in a fight at your school?: G3T SUPP3ND3D 00R EXSL3PP3D
have you ever hit someone on purpous at school?: Y3AH...
have u ever made someone bleed?: YAP......
do you like to yell and scream to the top of your lungs at people?: Y3AH !TS FUN
how often to you shower/bathe?: 3V3RY NiiGHT
do you brush your teeth every night and morning?: 3V3RY NiiGHT AN M00RNiiNG
ever worn the same pants more than three times without wash?: H3LL NAH...L00L
do you like one of your friends?: Y3AH THiiS DUD3S H00T......
would you date one of you friends?: iiT MiiGHT HURT 00UR FRii3ND SHiiP......
would you kiss one of your friends?: 00N TH3 CH33K.......
who is your best friend or friend[s]: QU3NTiiN.....
have you ever lied on your friends?: N00.....
do you like to drive fast?: H3LL Y3AH....
do you like the feel of danger?: N000 WAY N00 WAY......
have you ever cursed your parents?: HAAA H3L NAWWW....
do you live with one or more family member? if so who: C0USiiN......
do you lie alot?: N00T......
are you Honest 100%?: Y3AH.....
can you tell if one of your close friends lie to you?: Y3S-iiN-D33D
do you ever feel like telling your friend to back off ?: N00P3...W3 2 CL00S3
sometimes do you ever feel like killing anyone?: Y3AH...L00L
have you ever thought about hurting a family member ?: L00L....Y?
can you stand george bush?: H3 iiGHT ii R3ALLY D00N'T KN00W HiiM LYK3 HAY DUD3....
who do you want to be presdent?: NAWWW...iiM STR8
Does your state suck?: NAWW W3 G3T L00S3 L0U UP D00WN H3R3
where do you shop at?: 2MANY 2 NAM3....
ever stolen?: WH3N ii WAS SMALL 0UT A CANDY ST00R3
what do you useualy steel?: NUTTiiN.....
can you skate?: Y3AH...
Have you ever broken a bone?: N00..THANK G0D...
Have you had sex in the past 2 months?: NAWW.L00L
Do you like to be happy or sad?: HAPPY......
Ever cut your self? if so was it deep?: Y3AH B3HiiNG MiiH 3AR..FAN CAUGHT iiT....
are you Emotional?: V3RY......
do you own a gun?: N00...MAYB3 00N3 DAY WH3N ii M00V3 00N MiiH 00WN
what are your thoughts about Racest people?: FUK TH3M.....CUSS iiMA D00 M3......
what are your thoughts on gay people? Gay marrige?: YA NASTYYYYYY.....
WHat do you think about california?: N3V3R B33N TH3R3 BUT WANNA G00....
What do you think about the end of the world?: iiM SCAR3D AS H3LL........DUD3....
believe in god?: Y3AH...L00V3 HiiM
do you believe in hell?: N0 N0 N0......D00N'T WANNA
Have you ever lost a close one?: MiiH GRANDPA
Miss someone right now?: MiiH M00M...SH3 AT H00M3 TH00U....L00L
what messengers do you use?: YAH00........
are you fucking stupid?: N00 AR3 Y00U???
can you play anything without fucking up?: Y3AH...L00L
do you like to cuss?: L00L.....WHUT Y00U THiiNK?
do you like to be mean?: iiF ii HAV3 2.......
are you cruel?: N00....
what if
someone said "go kill your fucking self you worthless peice of shit": Y3AH...EX B00YFRii3ND GURLFRii3ND...L00L
you lost your arm in a car wrek?: N00...THANK G0D.....
you went blind?: N00...H00P3 ii D00N'T
you seen a ghost?: Y3AH...ii H00P3 N3V3R AGAiiN......
one day you where walking down your street and all of a sudden you got shot: N00.....H00P3 N00T......
A drive by happend in your naborhood?: N00T THAT ii KN00W 00F....
you where made to kill someone: N000....
your best friend stopped talking to you for no reason: N00.....
you wanted to die but couldnt?: N000...
you love someone that was dead?: MiiH FRii3ND CHRiiSTAN...AN MiiH GRANDPA...AN MiiH AUNT P00P
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