interests are me car (wore porkie turbo) other cars mostly moddified am into the cruisin seen now and i am a member of a lot of car forums listen to music also like watchin bit footy and playin haha even naa am shite nd like me drink sum times also just like having a laff really like =)
would like to meet a good looking lass one day haha a dout that will happen tho hahaha so all just have to look for car slags hahah joke btw :Plmao dinna what this video is about but fuk haha /
like listen to bit of clubland and clubland extreme hardcore dance and r'n'b and some times a bit of monkey haha when a feel charverish also like the likes of hardcore adrenaline bonkers a bit of scouse house :P
like all the fast and furious films because i like modified cars ( am a boy racers ya see haha ) :P also jackass is a good laff like
south park its funny as fuck, pimp my ride and shamless its mint haha a watch the footy when its on erm daint watch out else really like
daint read ( because i cont )haha ner some times read car mags like redline maxpower fast car but a look at the pics never read them like haha
me mates ma's hahah ner man thats a bit harsh nerr i aint got and heroes :P who ever started modified cars and cruising coz its good crack :P